Where my brain splurges out everything it's been holding in that day or week or whenever I write, in no particular order and for no particular reason. Enjoy!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land in the stars..or just float around in space awhile, wondering how you shot yourself off in a rocket
You know, I really hate it when people ask that. "How does it feel that you're sisters married and gone?" It's like they actually expect me to turn to them and bare my soul. Hello, I hardly know you. Even those that I do know fairly well I just look at them and smile, saying "It's weird, but I'm happy for her," all the while I'm thinking "Did you actually expect me to tell you what I'm really thinking and feeling? Puh, fat chance! Who do you think you are, anyway?" Which is rude, I'll admit. But I guess I'm sort of weird like that. There are only two or three people I'd be willing to talk to about it and be honest with. Luckily, none of them have really pressed me about it.
Oh, you want to know something funny? Actually, it's kind of sad, but I thought it was humorous. I was going into Wal-Mart today to buy needles and yarn (I'm attempting to knit a scarf...I'll probably be able to start it, it'll start twisting, I'll lose and add stitches all over the place, get INCREDIBLY frustrated, and finally just ask my dad to do it.) and there were these three girls coming out of the store. They were dressed very girly - sparkly belts that matched their purses that matched their shoes, cute little T-shirts and that were fluffy and feminine, and they're all walking out together - and all three are talking on Cell Phones. Seriously. All three. And I highly doubt they were talking to each other. They were just walking and talking to their phones. Am I the only one that sees the idiocracy in that?
Alright, so I think I'm going to go. I rented "The Interpreter" at Blockbuster and my parents and my Aunt and Uncle want to watch it. And it would be really nice if THE WHITTAKERS COULD CALL ME SO WE COULD PRACTICE OUR STUPID SONG THAT WE GOT ROPED INTO SINGING FOR TOMORROW'S PARTY!!!! But I'm not bitter. Oh, and Raage, I have a confession about your hair. And I was going to write it, but I realized you probably wouldn't read it, since you don't read the blogs unless we specifically tell you to and since I'll HOPEFULLY see you at the party - if you choose to grace us with your presence - I'll tell you then. And I still don't know why I'm writing to you since, as I stated above, you won't read this.
p.s. I suck at Video Games, and it makes me REALLY angry!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Just because you have a sports bra doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want! - Jessica Wheeler (Waite in three days!)
Anyway, as most of you know already, I went to midnight mass on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Most of you are wondering why I went. I guess I don't have a concrete reason. I was driving past the church on Tuesday, saw the nativity and was like "that's cool, I wonder what Midnight Mass is like" and so I went. It was neat, but we decided that if we went to it again, we'd want to go to a traditional one.
I GOT AN AIR SOFT GUN FOR CHRISTMAS! Of course I still don't know how to use it. It's not working right, so I think I'm going to take it over to the Haynes's and see if they can show me what I'm doing wrong. I also need to run to Bi-Mart and see if they have the straightener I want so I can finally give Isha's back. I've had it for like, a month. It's sad really. I figure if I find it, I'll give Isha the new one and keep the old one. And I kind of want to go see Baxter's new "motorcycle" And I kind of want to do something tonight, but I'm too lazy to organize it. Don't you love it when that happens? *sigh*
Actually, I need to do my Bio, clean my room, ask Isha if I can borrow her "Angela's Ashes" (very important), and I want to read that one book I have...I think it's The Eye of the World, and knit some more. The one thing I hate about knitting is that when you do it, you really can't do anything else. You can listen and talk, but that's about it.
Anyway, I'd better go. Only three hours of daylight left!
p.s. I hate winter...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
When I do push you away I hope there’s a little man behind you so you fall and hit your head
Anyway, to clarify what happened. *clears throat*
We had a bunch of people over tonight for a little Christmas get-together thingy. Everyone had left but Jared, Dan, Raage, and Isha. I had stolen Coopers keys and wallet, Jareds coat, and Raage's hoodie and hid them up in my room. Cooper had already left because he found his wallet and keys, but I was blackmailing Raage, Jared, and Dan - because Dan's a meesly sophomore and needs rides everywhere - that I would only give them their stuff if they helped me with my dishes.
They were stupid, and instead sat around in my living room with me and Isha, periodically wrestling with me and trying to watch TV for about a half hour. A half hour in which they could have been helping me with dishes, might I point out. But anyway, they finally leave to go to Jared's to play Halo (boys are such goobers...) and leave their stuff here. Basically what it was was Raage - who is more or less the leader of "the doofus squad" - wouldn't give in to me out of male-pride so they just gave up and left.
So me and Isha do the dishes then we're like "you know, we feel sort of bad. Let's be the bigger people and give them back their stuff." So we get their stuff and put it on. I wear Raage's hoodie and Isha wears Jared's coat. I was going to wear both, but it was freakishly hot. Anyway, we go over to the Haynes's, Sister Haynes let's us in and we go up to where the boys are playing. We stand their for a few seconds before I'm like "and they say there's no violence in the media"...and nothing happens. They don't even acknowledge us. They make some comment about "did you bring our stuff" or something, but basically they just keep shooting and killing whatever the heck boys kill when they play video games.
So now it's time for female pride to kick in. I can honestly say that if they had turned around and acknowledged our existence, we would have given their stuff back. It might have taken a while, but we would have eventually before we left. But no, this hurt the female ego.
Instead, we go into Jared's room and - with his mom's permission and his sisters help - take his M3P player, water bottle, and goggles, and we leave a note saying "hope you don't mind...we borrowed some stuff. Jillian y Isha, con amour!" We then go to Raage's car and - honestly - that boy has a boring car. Or at least it's boring now that me and Meghan cleaned it out. But that's beside the point. From his car we take a flashlight and - get this - a fire extinguisher. Something every teenager should have, of course. I know I carry one around with me wherever I go. In there, we leave a note that says "THIS IS WAR! p.s. thanks for the flashlight and the fire extinguisher." And the whole Jillian and Isha thing. And see, with Raage, when we took the flashlight I was like "hm...this probably doesn't belong to him, I'm going to get in trouble. ...Oh well, too late now." And of course, it turned out it didn't belong to him.
Oh, one more thing. We hid Dan and Raage's shoes. They were right there, I had to!
But anyway, about twenty minutes after I get home, they come in and they're acting all mad. I have a strange feeling they tried to pump themselves up. Then they attempt to chew me out, but my mom steps in, using church doctrine. You gotta love my mom. By the time they left it seemed like only Raage was still mad - which I sorta knew he would be. Again, I feel kind of bad, but hey, what's done is done.
I wish they had been more creative though. Couldn't they have attacked our rooms at night? Ransacked my car? Toilet paper-ed my house? or even gone in our rooms and taken some stuff? *sigh* boys are so unoriginal. Okay, maybe not boys. Kyle or Devin would have probably done something back. I think it's just these boys. They're so boring. Too bad I love them anyway.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I love you. I just can't stand to be around you
Not much is going on. Just hanging around, waiting for things to happen. Which reminds me that I have to call Meghan and see if I can get the book back. And that I need to write a paper on Microbe Hunters (which I would reccomend to anyone interested in Micro-biology).
I'm going to try and finish reading Three Musketeers and Tale of Two Cities. And I have to read Angela's Ashes...once I find it. :-S
I'm supposed to go caroling again tonight. This'll make it time number five I think. I love caroling. I think we should get a gigantic group together sometime and just walk around so we don't have to carpool. That and it really is fun to walk while caroling. I think I'll look at the weather and see when it might be warm enough to walk around. Granted, we don't want, like, fifty people, because that wouldn't be caroling, that would be massing at people's houses (a massive mass of mass went to mass...haha...A.P. Comp, good times.) but I think fifteen or twenty would be okay.
Friday night was fun. I had my recital and then we had the Christmas Party and caroling. That was thrown together and I ended up sharing a hymnal with Raage and Jeff, which was toooooooootally fine by me ;). Actually, walking in the back of the choir group Friday during school was good too. I was completely surrounded by Basses and Tenors. It was suh-weet!
I'm excited for Christmas Break! Sleeping, reading, watching Chronicles of Narnia, playing checkers by the fake fireplace while listening to a skipping "Muppet Christmas Carol" CD. *sigh* AND, according to weather.com, it's supposed to snow a majority of this week. CAN LIFE GET ANY BETTER!? I can only think of a few ways to make it so, but for now it's good enough for me.
Hope to see you all soon! Ooh! I think we should have a caroling party where we go sledding afterwards - and, of course, hot cocoa. And maybe watching Muppet Christmas Carol, because it's the coolest Christmas movie EVER. Now I'm excited. WHOOPIE!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Canes are sexual creatures. Stick them in a box long enough, they're bound to reproduce!
Anyway, I've decided that my entire world has been flipped upside down. Everything that I always thought was right is now wrong, and I'm feeling soooooooooo guilty right now. It's so frustrating! This one thing has happened and it's just made my world spin and made me realize a lot of things about myself. Things that I really don't like and I have to apologize for. But the one person I really need to apologize too...I don't know how that'll go over. Well, actually, there are three people I feel I need to talk to, but two of them would be really weird, and I think the third will just think I'm stupid.
I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I completely set myself up for this and it's all my fault that it happened. But...ugh, I can't explain it! Anyway, I'm going to go make cookies that we can eat after carolling tonight.
-(a very confused) Jillian
Monday, December 05, 2005
I think I'm developing my personality. I'm finally able to dislike people instead of liking everyone!
You know, I feel really bad, but at the same time I feel really lucky. My day was going horribly and I treated this one friend kind of rotten, but they still felt the need to talk to me about it. And it wasn't one of those "wow, she's angry, better let her vent to get it over with" things. It felt like they really cared. And I feel bad because I never tell this person how much I appreciate them, and I really should. I guess that's the kind of relationship we have though. I don't know quite how to describe it, especially when my parents or someone else asks about it. We just sort of know there's something about the other person. I can't describe it exactly. We never ask how important or how much we trust each other. We just let things be. The only thing I'm ever sure of is that I'm really lucky to have this friend. Of course I'm lucky to have all of my friends. They're all incredibly awesome.
Anyway, I have rehersal tonight. Oh, but I have to tell you guys this. As most of you know I'm grounded for staying out an hour and a half past curfew (long story...too long and detailed to write on here). But what ends up happening is Raage left his sleds in my car and stopped by to pick them up. Like always, we end up talking (I honestly think the shortest conversation me and this guy had that's not just me calling to ask about an assignment - though now that I think about it, those end up being long too, but that's a side bar to my other side bar - has been twenty minutes, and that was when he was just dropping off a jacket at my house. Yeah, two talkative people should not get together...) and it's probably only been a few minutes and we're standing by his car parked by the side of my house, my mom comes out, we freeze as a joke so she won't see us and I won't get in trouble again, and she goes back in. I figured she saw or heard us anyway, it's not like Raage and I are incredibly quiet people. But maybe ten minutes later, Nick comes out and is all "Um, Jillian, you should probably go inside before your mom freaks out." And I was like "what? Is she angry?" and Nick said "yeah, she doesn't know where you are and she's calling Raage's house right now." So I sprint inside - I don't think I even said goodbye to Raage - and explained to my mom that I was there the entire time and I thought she had seen me and all I was doing was returning the sleds. Luckily for me, she calmed down. Though I don't get why she called Raage's house. Did she think I ran away or something?
Anyway, that's been the high point of my night. How sad is that? I've still got about forty-five minutes till rehersal, so I'll probably go read or something.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
She's being all cuddly, and it's like you think she has cooties or something!
Anyway, now rehersal. We got here late, but I only missed one song. And I think I may have to leave now because I think my time's up. Alright, I'll finish this later!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Beware the lollipop of the opposite gender, it may be tempting, but once you try it you'll suck forever
So I'm happy right now because IT'S SNOWING! WOOHOO!!
So I read the Davinci Code this weekend, and if I tried I could probably finish Tale of Two Cities and I've read some hundred and fifty pages in The Three Musketeers and started Treasure Island. I bet you can tell what I've done with my weekend, huh?
So Harry Potter was a blast. Not only was it good, but I haven't been to the movies FOREVER either, so it was sweet. I think we should get a group together and watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when it comes out. Whether or not we do, I'm going to be there.
I listened to the game today. It was slightly depressing. If we had just completely lost it would have been better, but it was painful! If only the game had kept going the same way it was before halftime! *tear* Oh well, it's very saddening, but bastketball season begins pretty soon - a week and a half I think - so it's okay. Gah, now that I'm thinking about it, I may have to go grab some more chocolate. I had my mom buy me some after the game finished. I feel bad for the boys though, too. Not only did they lose, but now they have to travel back an unheavenly amount of hours on a bus, going through Cabbage and Meacham, which has to suck, seeing how it snowed here.
I think that's all I have to say. I'm going to go finish making my Spice Cake with Cream Cheese frosting and try and make some headway on Tale of Two Cities. Has anyone besides me read Dickens? If you haven't, you should, but do it when you have a lot of time and are able to concentrate, because if you do it when you've got other important things to do you're just going to get angry. This man...I swear he got paid by the page. You'd think Duncan would hate him, he adds so much superfluous information to his stories! Seriously, do I need to read a page and a half on how the guy identified as "the tall man" sleeps? No, I don't. *sigh* I wonder if "A Christmas Carol" is any better. I hope so.
Monday, November 21, 2005
The cripple boys...we should start a band!
But Fall Ball was awesome too. It was really fun to go with Raage and everyone else in the group. Except for the whole my mom calling his mom and the flashing lights thing. *rolls eyes* Jeesh...my mom sometimes...but honestly, it was so much fun. I learned I was a horrific liar, but that I'm really good at telling half truths, I can line dance in GIGANTIC heels, and that talking in a really loud room means you have to either talk right in their ear or be a few inches away from them. That, and don't sit down if you're really tired. You'll never get up.
Anyway, everyone else is gone on a choir thing. I managed to skip out on it, my mom wanted me to stay home. But today was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. I went out to lunch with Dan and Raage - though I felt bad that we forgot about Jared, but it ended up being fun anyway. I basically tortured Raage all day (HA! It's so much fun to turn the tables on him!) But unfortunately when we got the A.P. Comp assignment I was talking to him so I didn't hear what it was. Which means that I'm up a creek without a paddle. Actually it just means I have to call Raage and see if he heard it and if he didn't...yeah, no one else that I have a phone number for was there. See, that would suck.
I'll probably have to call Dan too, because I'm totally not getting Bio. All of a sudden Mr. Wright decided to tell us that Chapter 10 is due. Which sucks for me, since I hadn't started it until an hour ago. And I have to finish the lab write-up. Which shouldn't be too hard, I can probably get away with doing it in Spanish and just copying Raage's work, even though he hates it. I'll just have to remember to be nice to him tomorrow. That's almost as fun as being mean to him. :-D
Anyhoo, I hope you all had an awesome time on the choir thing. Oh, if you were wondering, during choir we went and chilled in the library, and I got into a tape fight with Dan and the new guy. That was basically it. Oh, and if you're in A.P. Comp, you missed the BEST class today...I about made Mr. Duncan cry, he actually had to leave the room because he was laughing so hard. And I got a 17 out of 20 on the vocab test so I might try it again tomorrow. But as for now I'm stuck writing a paper for Non-Fiction. *Sigh* SO MUCH HOMEWORK!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I've come to the realization that football jersey's weren't made for girls who have hips...
That's my uninteresting rant for the time. I can't think of anything more creative to say, so I'm going to sign off.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Estoy muy cansada, pero amame mi amor!

Okay, this is the best we got of him. If you can see the expression on his face there's a very simple explanation. I'm wearing roller-skates and am about to fall on him. Seriously. This happened, like, five times that night. I fell on EVERYONE. Though technically I only fell twice, but only once on the roller-skates. Either way, Raage won the bet. (This whole paragraph was added later, with the picture. Just fyi :D)
You know, that sentence is probably so incredibly wrong grammatically, but since Raage's not going to read this to correct me, I'll leave it as it is.
I'm listening to Juanes "Mi Sangre" right now, and it's really cool. Like, I'm freakishly obsessed with it and I probably will be for another week.
Anyway, referring back to my title, I am so fetchin tired. I wonder what I'll dream about tonight (ha, the song I'm listening to is called sueno. Awesome...) Last night I dreamt I was at a football game with Raage and he was talking in Spanish some of the time and we were listening to my Spanish CD, and then (something I just remembered that I'll have to tell him about later) we were going to fly somewhere, like, we were trying to buy airline tickets and we were in an airport.
And all this comes from working on our spanish skit on traveling while listening to the spanish CD before I went to bed. But I can honestly say I wasn't thinking about it before I went to bed, and I went to bed three and a half hours after he left, so I'm not quite sure how that happened.
We're supposed to sing in 1st ward tomorrow. I'm kind of looking forward to it because we haven't been able to sing a lot lately, since the last time we were going to do it I got a little side-tracked.
So, has anything interesting happened the past two days? Not much, except getting high off of garage smells or paint...or me and Beckah just being weird. I swear I've spent more time at the Whittakers the past two days than I have at my own house. But I must admit that the dance looked really cool, and it seemed like people had a fun time. I would've had a fun time too, except for the whole "dead man walking" syndrome I was suffering from. I was faking energy until halfway through, and then I just stopped. I had no more motivation. I even took off my skates again. Course, that was actually because my feet were hurting, but hey, it works.
Now I'm just waiting for my dad to come home so we can finalize the disk with the pictures from the dance so I can show Maegan the picture of Raage that I think my mom might've taken. She took some awesome ones of me and Andrea, a.k.a, the hot girl from Baker too. The two of us were dressed almost identically. I'll probably re-post this tomorrow with the picture on top.
Alright, I'm going to go and maybe get some food, even though I feel sort of sick to my stomach.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Washington is Hollywood for ugly people
Ha, I'm listening to Alter Boyz right now, and it's so awesome. It's about a Christian/Catholic boy band...the guys in it are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan (he's spanish), and Abraham...who's a Jew. It makes me happy.
I'm really tired. I could write a lot more here - obviously as two weeks have gone by there' s a lot going on, but I don't have the energy to write it, or the time...besides, I think it would be really boring and INCREDIBLY long. So I think I'll just end it like this and start blogging regulary again...maybe.
Friday, October 28, 2005

Ohmigosh, I just had to have had what is considered to be an obscene amount of fun. It's too long of a story to type right now (I have to leave in like, a half hour for the football game and I still have to get dressed and all that junk :P) but I'll just say it involved forgotten homework, papers from my locker, junk from my car, both the J.V. and Varsity football teams, Tom McKinney, Raage, the Varsity football moms, some random band kids, two miscellenous peoples lockers, and a lot of loud music. It was SWEET! I'm still riding on the high of it and we got back to Meghan's house at like, five or a little thereafter.
Anyway, I should probably go. I love you all! Hugs and kisses!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Men are like mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
Through days - alright, it was only a few hours, possibly one hour - I've come to realize what it is and why certain people are more vulnerable for it than others.
Manipulation in it's simpliest form is the twisting of someone else's emotions. According to dictionary.com it's the - exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage. I suppose we all do this at times, without realizing it. We vent to someone because we know they'll feel sorry for you and they'll relate. You let a comment slip about how you're not feeling well so someone will ask you what's wrong. But it's the last part of the definition that makes manipulation so horrible. It's when you manipulate them for your own gain, your own recreation, or to meet your own needs. That's when manipulation becomes wrong.
So, here's the question. Who's vulnerable for manipulation? Basically, any one that's needy. Being clingy or too open or trusting will set you up faster than a New York minute. By letting someone in on that little piece of information that no one else knows, the deep dark secret that you just have to tell this person because "they'll never hurt you", you're letting them have too much of you. We - especially women - get sucked into this easily because we feel that this person is good to talk to, or that they think you're special because they care about what's bothering you. Unfortunately, it's only after a period of confusion and heart ache that you realize this person is not manipulating you through the information they've collected. And while this doesn't make them horrible, it definiately becomes frustrating.
So what am I saying exactly? Unless you've seen someone care deeply about another person, other than their family, don't trust them with your little secrets. You never know how they'll turn on you.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Being a teenager's like being a mouth; it bites - Raage Sofe
So, my hands are freezing. I just spent a half hour at the 8th street hill doing homework. I think that's the most productive I've been since like...well, ever. There's something calming and focusing about that hill. I wish I had a laptop so I could do all my homework there instead of having to come back home and getting easily distracted.
So I'm super excited about the game tonight. I don't know why, but the games seems to be the highlight of my "social" week. Though, for some reason, they always leaves me really confused by something, usually someone. It's strange. It's amazing how people bring out certain traits in others. Especially when the person is of the opposite sex. It's kind of sad. Everyone talks about how High School's really cool and it's awesome. I think it's kind of pitiful. Just how people put so much trust in others and allow them to almost recieve a part of them, usually without realizing they're doing it and caring about that person that much. And then, of course, the other person doesn't care about them as much - if at all. Meanwhile, guys follow girls who use feminine whiles, and girls who genuinly care get squashed. Guys fonder over girls who don't care, but pretend they do so they can get what they want from them.
Doesn't this sound like the wonders of High School? And yet, I still like it. Not the painful parts of it, mind, just the fun parts where you don't have to worry about others feelings. Like football games. :-D
Monday, October 17, 2005
My power color? Completely awesome, I'm cool with that...
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
Anyway, for all those thinking I was incredibly insane today, sorry 'bout that. Especially...well, actually, he kind of deserved it, as much as I love the bum. Bah, anyhoo, how is everyone? I'm feeling sort of bogged down with schoolwork and stuff. It's really weird, because the weekend was really nice, especially Saturday and parts of Sunday. Friday night was cool too.
Why is it that people put up fronts? I know that there has to be an answer and that ten to one it makes sense, and even more importantly, I probably know the reason, because I put up fronts an insane amount. Unfortunately I'm not sure I know what the answer is. But I do know that it makes getting close and understanding people insanely hard. It's gotten to the point that the people/person I analyze the most is the one I'm around the most, and I can't understand people being straight forward anymore. I analyze without realizing it.
Anyway, that's just my rant for the day. I'm signing off!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Life is so moronic!
Anyway, I feel like pooh scraped over too much toast. Wow...this is kind of cool...I can change font color!
So, my life has very little distinction. I find changing font colors fascinating. Also, life is incredibly boring right now, because I finished the book I was reading and now want another one to read. But I don't think I'm going to get the book I was hoping for, cuz he hasn't finished reading it yet.
College is a confusing decision. Need I say more?
Comp sucks. Why did he have to pick this topic? I sincerely think he did it on purpose to see what we're going to do.
Okay, irony: how can a top ten list only have 6 things listed? Huh? HUH?! That makes me angry. They didn't even have Romeo and Juliet!
Now that I've let you into the truly random ramblings and rants from my head I hope you realize how insane I truly am.
Good-bye, and don't chew on tin foil! I'm off to take some drugs, eat something warm, and maybe to read/watch TV/sleep.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Anyone wanna make out with an otter?
(Added pictures later, just cuz it's creepy...)
So, here I sit in A.P. Comp "looking up information on the Iraq War". I swear I'm doing it, really. Okay, so maybe not.
Anyway, Mr. Duncan just said I remind him of an otter, meaning that I like to have fun. Which I do. And I think if some people consider that immature they can go stick it, because honestly, I've learned that as long as I'm not harming myself or others dancing in the hallways, singing really loudly, beating people up (specific people, mind, so I'm not technically harming others...), blasting loud music, talking, and laughing a lot, are all okay pastimes. In fact, they're really fun past times. Almost as fun as sitting here...doing nothing...just waiting for the bell to ring...
Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever had to work in the computer lab without actually saying "hm, we should be getting something done, huh?" Weird. I suppose it's a good thing Raage left then. Except before I wanted to work, now I REALLY don't.
But now I just have to decide what I'm doing with my weekend. My mom will be disapointed if I don't go to the stake dance but Darcy will be disapointed since I promised her I'd go to the game with her, and Kaitlin wants me to go with her to the game too. But then if I go to the game, someone's going to drag me to homecoming and I don't know if I want t go to that.
And then there's tonight! Ugh! It's so confusing! All I know is that I'm going to the game...what I'm doing after is completely up in the air.
Oh good, Raage's back, I don't have to do work.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
18 Ways to Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity
2) Page yourself over the intercom...don't disguise your voice
3) Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that
4) Put a garbage can on your desk and label it "IN"
5) Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their cafeine addiction, switch to espresso
6) In the memo field of all your checks write "for smuggling diamonds"
7) Finish all your sentances with "In accored to prophecy"
8) Don't use punctuation
9) As often as possible, skip rather than walk
10) Order a diet water with a serious face whenever you go eat
11) Specify that your drive through order is "to go"
12) Sing along at the opera
13) Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme
14) Put mosquite netting around your locker and play tropical sounds all day
15) Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't go to a party because you're not in the mood
16) Have your peers address you by your wrestling name: Rock Bottom
17) When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling "Run for your lives! They're loose!"
And last but not least...
18) When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I WON! I WON!"
Ah...so today was cool...dancing in the parking lot...laughing hysterically on the floor because Meghan messed up the Bio Lab results...it was great... Actually it was fun to do something random and impulsive, I haven't really done that for a while.
Well, I'm off to eat chocolate. And remember, nothing can't be fixed by dancing, a hug, and a good snog!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
"175 pounds of chisled steel and sex appeal"
Ah, the sweet memories! For those wondering how this picture ties in with the title, if you're in A.P. Comp it shouldn't be too hard.
Anyway, I'm kind of at a loss of things to do right now. I thought I had homework, like I usually do every night, but I really don't. The editing I need to do at school, and the bio I need to do with Isha and Dan. So I think I'm going to eat toast and read Eldest.
So, a large thanks for all you guys that helped me asking Raage. I personally thought it was an amazingly cool idea and allow you guys to steal it in the future.
Oh, and sorry to all those at the 12 hour relay that I marphed at. It was at the worst possible times, and for those that are wondering what I mean, you're not supposed to know. But it was fun for some of it. :-D
Sunday was wonderful, of course. Singing for 2 1/2 hours was great and then the college was gorgeous. Honestly, La Grande in the fall is the most beautiful place ever.
Oh, Dan, by the way, sorry about Bio and I hope you feel better. We still need to figure out the whole SM thing...I'm confused...I don't know if talking to you would accomplish anything but I feel like I have to get this figured out. Or at least pretend I'm doing something to figure it out.
I'm super glad we have Early Morning tomorrow. I love Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays because of EMS and it's short, and Friday's because it's the last day of the week and EMS. I love it! I'm super excited to see who's cast in "The Foriegner". I think I have a rough idea from the few auditions I sat in on. But still, it should be really cool.
Anyway, I'm going to read now. I love you all and totally appreciate you being there! See most of you tomorrow, and thanks again!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
People think I'm stupid just because I'm big, strong, and drool a little when I get excited
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Two molocules walk into a dating bar...
Anyway, I'm listening to a retarded song from Rent right now. It's really sort of weird. It's one of those things that would be interesting if it weren't...bad? Anyway, I'm just rambling.
The comp's making funny noises at me. I don't think I like it.
So I feel like there' s a two inch gap between my spine and my head and that my head's sort of just bobbing there.
I think getting some sleep might be a good idea. Is there anyone out there who concurs with this analysis? And why is it that I start usuing abnormally large words when I'm tired? I think that may the the only reason I got the score I did on the ACT.
Oh great, I'm such a dork! I was trying to go forward in my pictures that FINALLY downloaded, and I was like "why am I seeing these pictures again..." and of course, I was pushing the wrong button. Yeah, I've got a lot up in my brain right now. Ha...my brain made of Jell-O...hah...
Ah pooh, now some of the pictures won't open. This sucks.
But it's all good. I've got bottled water by me. Oh yeah, so cool...well, okay, so maybe it won't be so cool when I can't finish this assignment. I swear, Duncan would think I'm the most irresponsible thing to walk this earth. First the whole essay thing, then this...
I dislike school. I dislike school fervently.
So, I'm probably going to be on tonight, editing up my "Lifeline" essay that I sort of made-up. But hey, that's just between you and me...and not Mr. Duncan.
I'm sure I could come up with something semi-entertaing to type right now, like my observations that all teenagers really want is someone to care about them, or how my feet are kind of sore from my converses hitting in a funny spot on the side of my foot, but I don't want to. What I want to do is go to sleep. sleeeep....sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep....
I really wish someone would get on MSN right now...then I wouldn't sit here and babble like I am...ha...babble on, babylon...ha...wow...I'm really kind of sad right now.
Alright, I'll spare you from anymore of my blurbing and sign off. Till later tonight!
Friday, September 09, 2005
One more thing. Never stick a spoon full of peanut butter up your nose.
There you go. My feelings. I'M SO TIRED! Like, seriously, bio was soooooooooooooooooooo frickin hard! I was so tired and even writing was a chore.
But I had a strange epiphany (he he he...still my favorite word) in A.P. Comp today. It made me realize how Heavenly Father really does know each of us personally. We were sitting there, trying to write a stupid 'Lifeline' story about someone who helped change your life for the better. And I realized that I didn't really have anyone like that. And it wasn't a bad thing, because I realized every single time I've changed for the better it was because something bad happened to me, and I grew from that. Heavenly Father knows me so well that he knew I was as stubborn as a horse and that if anyone threw me a "Lifeline" so to speak, I would have rejected it without even realizing it. It's kind of cool. Though it doesn't help me too much on my assignment, it sure helped me through the rest of the day.
Hold on, have to go check on the spaghetti.
How do you spell spaghetti anyway? Like that? I suppose so, it looks fine. Well, as fine as the word spaghetti will ever look. Dang! I just realized I didn't get to wish Dan good luck today because the spoon missed choir! (ha! use your own word against you! booyah!) Anyway, good belated luck Dan! Run well! I'm kind of sad because I probably won't be able to find out how cross-country and football did until I get back on Tuesday, and by then it'll be old news.
For all those that don't know, I am going to Rexburg to go to my grandparents farewell. They're serving in a little coastal town in Alabama, and ten to one they're going to be doing clean-up from the hurricane, which'll be right up their alley since they bothed lived in Rexburg during the Teton Dam break. OH COOL! They're having an "engineering Rome" special on the history channel! Cool Beans! I have to go turn it on and check on the spaghetti, hold on.
Back. You know what I realized I really like? When you're just talking with a friend and then there's a bit of silence, and you just smile, and they smile back and you both start laughing. You're not laughing at anything or anyone, you're just happy that you're there. It's a weird moment; a strange and poignant connection between two souls if you will. It could just be me, but I love that feeling.
We're getting rid of Jumper tomorrow. HURRAH!!!!!!!!! NO MORE DOG PEEING IN MY ROOM AND CHEWING ON MY TEXT BOOKS!
Okay, enough blogging though, now that you're mostly updated on my fairly boring life. Except for this information, which most of you know anyway, but I'm going to rehash it anyway. Apparently I'm going to ASM for Dan for "The Foreigner" and help with dialect help if they need it. So, yeah, that's my news. It's not much, but hey.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It's official...thanks to my sister and eternal marriage, I will be related to the majority of Union County
Anyway, I would like to say that my weekend rocked. It was really fun. Saturday was pretty boring, but Sunday was awesome, what with hymn caroling and the guys/missionaries coming over, not to mention it was fast sunday so it made it all the better. But Monday was a lot more fun than I was expecting it to be. Except when Dan and I work together someone has to take the inititive to say it's time to work, and neither of us are willing to do it. I guess if I end up ASM-ing we'll have to though, huh? But besides that, the Romriell's were over and we had a nummy nummy barbeque.
My room is now officially painted, for all of you there were just dying to know. Bright green, and a wonderful azure blue. As of tomorrow it's officially going tob be my room. Weird. Anyhoo, when it's finished I'm going to have a 'room warming' party or something. Or maybe not. But it would be cool too. Though I highly doubt I could fit more than five people in the room. It's kind of itty.
I think I'm going to go now though. I've got to read a Chapter in Bio and possibly finish putting my new bed together. *sigh* Life never slows down does it?
Oh, another peice of random information. I started voice lessons again today. I'm super excited, because Jamie kind of wants to throw a bunch of different things at me, which I'm totally up for. She has me looking at two or three - actually, I think four - arias and two art songs, plus a theatre song which I kind of like since I'd never really heard it before.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Look at him! He looks so...so similar!
Alrighty, so the game last night was purdy dern fun. It was really fun to watch Raage and cheer him on, along with Ryan and the other guys I somehow know that are insane enough to run around wearing pads and spandex pants. And speaking of Spandex pants, I hate them. Especially on guys. It's just nasty.
So I've got a sucker right now. It's really kind of cool as it tastes like Strawberries and Cream. Question, am I the only one that's ever eaten a sucker in the shower? Cuz I was thinking about it the other day, and I realized that may not be the most common thing.
I've got nothing to do today, as I already did my chores, so I think I'm going to lounge around and read "The Work and the Glory" as they're really cool. Once I finish that I'll start on my homework, A.P. Bio and otherwise. And maybe I'll write a little. Actually, I think that's what I'll do now.
Hm, I'm trying to figure if there's anything else interesting I want to say. Not that I can think of. Okay.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Her hair glistened like nose hair after a sneeze...
Wow, I re-read that and it made it sounds like I was turning into the Hulk or something. Which isn't too far off. I'm realizing some of the major flaws that I have and it's really hard to deal with them. I've never had to change certain things so ingrained my behavior before. It's a little rough. Like the fact that when I get frustrated I take it out on whatever's there, whether I'm angry with myself, someone else, or something as stupid as my shoe, I start to boil. Then if someone does anything to bug me I immediatly bristle and usually strike at the person I least want to and the person who deserves it the least. For some reason lately it's usually the one person who I regret biting at most. That makes it doubly hard because the wave of anger passes almost as soon as I realize what's going on, but by then I've already done the damage so I'm left sputtering apologies and looking stupid. Which isn't something new for me of course. The looking stupid bit at least. I tend to do that a lot.
I don't know what's bringing on this depressing mood. It might be the fact that in both non-fiction writing and A.P. comp we've been discussing some incredibly depressing topics. Well, not really discussing them, more like reading things that tend to be really sad. Though that doesn't explain all of it away.
And here's an interesting question. How come the only people I strike at are the ones close to me? Huh? Am I just demented? I suppose I am. I guess we all are in our own ways.
And wow, this blog turned out to be a lot deeper than I thought it would be. I meant to type about how the first few days of school had been, how I'm actually enjoying A.P. Bio half the time and how Seminary is awesome, as always. I'm so glad we have it tomorrow. Which reminds me, I need to get going on the stuff I have to do tonight. I need to shower, find my stuff for tomorrow (BLUE AND WHITE DAY! YAY), and finish up my Bio. I don't know if we'll have the study group. 1-Megan hasn't called and 2-I really don't feel like being social.
Apparently my parents are home, but I have no idea where they are. There bags are here and so are some groceries from Safeway, but the parents? The car? Nope.
Hm, maybe I'll go sorting through the groceries to see if there's any chocolate. If there is, I'll eat that, study scriptures, and be all right in the morning. It's the perfect medicine for happiness!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
How come they always put the "do not turn package over" instructions on the bottom of the package?
#1) I'm running on 5.5 or so hours of sleep. Not too bad, but enough to make me 'see the fun side of life' a little more than normal.
#2) Dane and I went through 11 cans of spray paint today trying to make our costumes which - just so you know - look kind of like gangster art done by two year olds who can't spell right.
It was really funny though, because we figured, you know, two, three hours at most and our costumes would be done. See, we had decided to go as "cereal killers", making the kids wear cardboard boxes painted like cereal boxes and have knives and machette's sticking out of them and stuff. Fake of course. But this turned out to be too hard for our poor, feeble, sleep-deprived minds, but we tried anyway. Together me, Dane, and Kristy went recycle bin diving behind Sears, got as much cardboard as we could fit in the back of the van, went to Walmart, bought all the supplies we thought we'd need - 3 cans of spray paint and some stencils - and went to go make boxes. It started really fun, kind of goofing around in the summer sun on my front lawn. But it soon became semi-nightmarish. 1 can of spray paint only covered a 3rd of a box. So, anyway, we kind of cut out all the boxes, lined them with duct tape and started making the thingys...um...the...knives? yeah, the knives when Dane went and bought 8 more cans of spray paint. I continued to spray some of the boxes with whatever paint we had left. Unfortunately, even though we were in what should have been a very well ventilated area - out on my driveway - everytime I sprayed for more than 30 seconds at a time I had a large sphere of fumes around me that I inhaled. Dane came back, helping me, and ohmigosh, we were so easily amused. For example:
Dane: This box looks like crap.
Me: Good thing we're painting it brown then.
And seriously, I'm laughing at that right now. And like, my eyes were watering and I was dizzy and nauseous and stuff, but dang I was having a good time. I think everything within a square block might have been affected by the fumes. Anyway, we finally finished at 5:30 (we started at 1) and it was funny because me and Dane could barely lift a cardboard box together. It was so funny, we were making fun of him because he was complainging cardboard was heavey, so he asked for my help and the two of us couldn't haul it together. It was soooooooooooooo sad.
Anyway, that's been my day, and I am completely exhausted and still very easily amused. I hope you all have had wonderful 'final-saturdays-before-school-starts'! See you Tuesday...or Sunday, dependings!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Another post...No Life No Wife revisited!
Ariite one and all! jillian wheeler report'n ternight as ay wait fe me fute brother-in-law...i saddy juss wait'n fe us family kidda nick. *evil grin*
so ternight at mutual wuz intiest'n. it made me dead made-up dat ay wuz nah longer in middle schewl and dat ay 'uv beun raised wi' certain social graces. but it wuz fun still. and de scran wuz mint and ay got two 'ershey kisses and dead thick, rich, chocolate cake. oh, and o' cose we managed ter see jacklyn's chavvy. so custy! evun dough eez slightly pple.
anyway, Am watch'n bride and prejudice...fer de second time ternight. it wuz fun dough, afti ay watched it de fairst time isha and ay went over ter de 'arris's and de chadwick's and sang ter rachel and laa, along wi' ewever 'appened ter be thuz at de time.
last night tned out ter be a lotti fun dough. ay didn't think we would end up stay'n as long as we did, but - as ay said - it wuz worth de lecte and punishment ay got.
anyway, about me schedule, ay got everyth'n ay needed ter graduate as bright as raise me g.p.a. so 'opefully de year will bowl bright. ay dead wish ay could get me elastic bands onna laptop dough, because ay 'uv a weird feel'n Am go'n ter need it wi' rehersals and a.p. comp and everyth'n. oh bright, what tinnie yew do?
so, Am chocka, and ay think Am go'n ter bowl and do firkin...yeah...that'd be boss...
and this is how I would sound if I were from Liverpool...holy pooh on toast...it's so much easier to understand when someone's speaking it!
p.s. and Dan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ...even though I guess because it's past midnight it's no longer your birthday, but heck, who really cares?
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
No Life Without Wife!
So tonight at mutual was interesting. It made me very happy that I was no longer in middle school and that I have been raised with certain social graces. But it was fun still. And the food was good and I got two Hershey kisses and really thick, rich, chocolate cake. Oh, and of course we managed to see Jacklyn's baby. So cute! Even though he's slightly purple.
Anyway, I'm watching Bride and Prejudice...for the second time tonight. It was fun though, after I watched it the first time Isha and I went over to the Harris's and the Chadwick's and sang to Rachel and Laura, along with whoever happened to be there at the time.
Last night turned out to be a lot of fun though. I didn't think we would end up staying as long as we did, but - as I said - it was worth the lecture and punishment I got.
Anyway, about my schedule, I got everything I needed to graduate as well as raise my G.P.A. so hopefully the year will go well. I really wish I could get my hands on a laptop though, because I have a weird feeling I'm going to need it with rehersals and A.P. comp and everything. Oh well, what can you do?
So, I'm bored, and I think I'm going to go and do something...yeah...that'd be cool...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Haven’t we English always hated the French? Do you think the men who burned Joan of Arc were just wasting matches?!

Okay, for all you girls out there who love fantasy novels, the one featured on my...um...I guess it would be my right, huh?...anyway, the one with the cover showing is perhaps the best one of all. At least I think so. It's right up there with Ella Enchanted at least. There's a spunky short heroine who is full of flaws but at the same time you have to love her. If any of you would like to borrow it, feel free to ask me, as I bought it at Barnes and Nobles the other night. Oh, and speaking of buying books, we bought "Wicked" and I seriously about threw-up. That is a disgusting, immoral book! It could seriously be used as soft-porn. So there you go, don't read "Wicked" just be content to listen to the musical and imagine what's going on but read Crown Duel, cuz that one's cool. Anyhoo, this is Jillian's Super Sassy Book Review, signing off!
Alrighty, now to me. I just got back fromt he coolest family reunion. You know, I was really dreading it, as all my family usually does is play Pinochle. Now, no doubt about it, there was a ton of Pinochle going on, but we also managed to get my grandpa to play mow-master which had to be the funniest thing. Especially when you throw in my Uncle Jared and my cousin Zach. And of course, it wouldn't be a trip unless I got sunburned/tanned. I swear, I'm going to be able to tell my summer travels through tanlines! "This one is from the family reunion, and this is from Venice, and this one's from the matterhorn..." but what really t's me off is the fact that I put SPF 50 on my face and it was the only part of my body that burned! Who cares that I had been out in the sun for about 8 hours straight - while my face only was protected - and the rest of me only got tan, but my face looks like a tomato. Gr...stupid acne medication.
But I seriously have the cutest cousins ever. Maddie - who's three - kept on showing off how she could stick her face underwater at the pool. She would take this huge gulp of air, go under for two or three seconds, then re-emerge with this huge grin on her face. Seriously, she's a doll.
I love my family. It's weird, because I've never been close to them. Sure, they're my blood and everything, but when you don't see family members until your 7 years old and even then you only see them once or twice a year besides that, you don't get that attatched to them. I actually feel closer to some of my friends extended family than I do to my own sometime. But I'm super glad I was able to spend this time with them, even though only three of the six kids showed up.
Anyhoo, I'm tired and I'm trying to write this stupid story. Gol I hope we have a thunderstorm! I have to register tomorrow. Blah. Oh! But I went and checked out the BYU-I campus while we were in Rexburg, and when I go down to my grandparents farewell in September I'm going to go chat with the department heads if I can. I still don't know where I'm going yet, or what I'm studying. Oh well, I'll have a little time.
Sunday, August 14, 2005

And why do I have a picture of "Wicked" on my blog, you may ask? It's because I've found a theme song in "I'm Not That Girl" because honestly, that describes the past little while and most likely the rest of my life. For some reason this doesn't bug me though. Well, that and Idina Menzel totally rocks my socks and if I could grow up to be her that would be cool. Though I would have a problem doing "Rent".
So the dance was fun. Except now if I touch my cranium in almost any place it's sore, but I can only remember 3 times I got hit there: Dan's cheekbone, Dan's elbow, and the volleyball, but there are four sore places. How does this work? I dunno, maybe I smacked my skull on my headboard last night. I am amazingly skilled like that after all. Or - and this is probably most likely - I got smacked too many times last night to remember individual incidences.
So, I have no guidance in my life now. It's weird. If you asked me 2 years ago what I planned for the rest of my life I would have told you where I was going to college, what I was studying, my plan of action, blahdey blahdey blahdey. Now people ask where I'm going to college and I honestly don't know. It's weird.
I like being nice to people. It's really fun. And what's more, it helps them have fun too. That's my deep thought for the day, just so you know.
Nick's homecoming talk was cool and me and Gen actually sounded pretty good singing this morning. It's the spirit I tell you. But after Nick's really cool talk on commitment there was this guy who talked about tithing and it was really cool. I can't remember why it was really cool, but it made me want to go out and get a job just so I could pay tithing. Then we went over to Jaime's mom's house and played with their beagle Abby (my beagle's cuter! nah-nah nah-nah-nah!) where I promptly fell asleep on their lay-z-boy. I can't help it, I went to be at 2 last night and woke up at four, I was sleep-deprived. We then went over to the Romriell's, I totally woke up and was insane to scare some of Gen's cousins that I've known for a while, then promptly lost energy, hung around with Jeremy and John while eating homemade Vanilla ice cream, said good-bye with the promise that they're going to come up and visit sometime, than left and promptly conked out on the ride home. My Sunday in a nutshell. I am sad I missed the talk on the constitution and stuff, as I am absolutly obsessed about History, but it was good to see Nick and Karrinna and Gen and Jeremy again. And does constitution really have that many T's in it? I guess it does.
I'm going to go...my sis needs help with dishes before "Ping-Ping" comes over.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Well, she didn’t want to grow a horn out of her head. She was just unlucky.
Oh, so I saw my first preview for "Rent" last night. Ah! I'm so excited! I'm seriously going to cry if it's rated R. Now, those who know my opinion of Rent may be confused by my over-eagerness for this movie. I'm not so much excited for the story and stuff, but I'm interested in seeing such amazingly talented people (Idina Menzel, Adam Pascal, Jesse L. Martin, sigh!) on the big screen and seeing exactly how they adapt the stage production into a screenplay. That and the song "Seasons of Love" make the play. Honestly, if that song wasn't in the show, I don't think I'd care one way or the other, even if it's success will dictate the future of Musicals in the Movies.
Okay, so here's a question about the latest Harry Potter book. If you haven't read it and plan to read it STOP READING NOW and skip down to the next paragraph. Now for the question. Was I the only one depressed with what happened with Snape? The entire time, since book number 2 I've been rooting for Snape because I honestly thought he was a good guy and that Harry was just biased against him. Well, maybe not a good guy, but I believed he had really turned away from "the dark side". I don't know, it just gave me hope that if Snape could leave Voldermort...I guess I sort of likened it to gospel principles, like he actually repented. Even now, I'm still trying to figure out how he could be on the good side despite the face that he killed Dumbledore, like Dumbledore told him to or something. I don't know, I'm trying. But am I the only one that found that totally depressing?
Anyway, I think I'm going to go. This may possibly be the shortest blog I've written in a while. But I'm tired, so what can you do? Oh, Beckah and Isha? When I came home Tuesday night and told my dad about what we did at the Baxter's and all the drama that accompanied it he just laughed and shook his head. I love my parents, how many parentals would react like that?
I straightened my hair today. It was really quite cool. Which reminds me, I have become a product girl. I use Brillant Brunette Shampoo, Conditioner, Mousse, Straightening Balm, and Shine Reflector. How sad am I?
Hope this finds you all well! And for those wondering, my goals are turning out well, except for the whole "get up early thing". Yeah...I had to wake up to do make-up at 8, but after I got hom at 9:30 I would conk out for three more hours, waking up around 1, so I don't think it counts. Hope your goals are coming along better than that!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Anyway, I love BYD's. They make me happy inside. I'm trying to get so that we can have them once a month or at least once every other month instead of once every three months as it is now.
So a brief overview of the past few days. Basically it's all been so melodramatic!! Ha...ha ha...okay, I thought it was funny. Anyhoo, I've had a really fun couple of days, even though they were really tiring and draining. It was totally awesome to go to church today too. You want to know something depressing? In 7 weeks I've only been to church 2! And I haven't been to mutual once! And I won't be able to go to mutual till the 24th! It's so depressing! I think I've only been to mutual twice this summer.
Anyway, going back to the past few days, between the fair, walking around in public wearing fishnets and hooker make-up, Isha being really tired and saying silly stuff, and burning pantyhose in the parking lot, it's been totally awesome. I can't help but be so thankful that Heavenly Father has allowed me to be around the people I'm with a lot and having the friends that I do. There were just a few times that I would be talking with someone and it would just hit me how much I loved them and loved being around them. I don't know if I realized this because it's summer and I haven't seen them for a while or if I was just tired or what, but it was really cool.
So, I'm really tired and my eyes are burning...but as I went through the past few days I was like "oh, I'm going to have to write that in my blog!" and now I can't remember what they were. Okay, I talked about walking around the fair at night with Coop, Raage, and Sam, throwing up at the fair early that day, burning the fishnets and doing a gorilla dance around them in the parking lot. I didn't get to talk about singing really loudly and off-key with Ginger, Caitlin, and Isha. Oh! One more thing. Is it weird that I'm still dealing with repercussions of having friends two years older than me? Like, seriously. Every time I see one of my friends that I was close to Sophomore year (they were all seniors) I just get really depressed because they're all moving on and I'm still at good 'ole LHS, and even worse, when I see them I'm sad because while some of them stayed here I don't get to hang out with them really at all. I don't think anyone should have to deal with that, no matter how much I want to be friends with them. So I guess that sort of explains that.
Oop, time for family prayer. Be back.
Okay, we're procrastinating going upstairs to pray, so I'll write some more.
But while you have those friends that move on I keep meeting new people at the college that are just fun to do stupid stuff with. Like Ginger for instance. I got to know her during "Deadwood Dick" and she's a blast. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her sometime.
Anyway, I still don't remember all that I was going to type. I guess it's not that important then. Oh! But I figured a way to somehow integrate my dream into the story I'm planning on writing sometime. If I ever get around to it.
So we're actually going to say prayer now, so I'm just going to get off.
Toodles all!!
p.s. one thing I forgot to challenge everyone to do that I remembered while I was up praying. If you start today to develop a habit you want for school, for instance, saying hi to everyone you know or going out of your way to do kind deeds for people, or - one that your parents will like - not procrastinating chores that they've assigned you to do but getting to them right away, it should be a habit by the time school starts if you keep at it every day! This, of course, includes reading your scriptures, waking up on time for Early Morning Seminary (which I think all of us are in, yes?), family scripture reading, etc. So that's my challenge. Find at least one habit you want to develop, write it down on a sticky note or something, and stick it somewhere where you'll see it. And if you want we can tell each other what our goals are so we can help each other with them. That's what friends are for, right?
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Sweet dreams are made of these!
Anyway, it started out - as far as I remember - with me, Maegan, and I think Isha sitting at a table in the Schwartz watching a poker movie that my dad decided to add to Deadwood Dick. I was complaining that it was boring and that he shouldn't put it all in when Dan and Steven Conklin - who was dressed in swimming trunks and a life vest of the bright orange variety - walk in and say they're coming to visit us. Well, we talk for a little bit, Dan's mom - who brought them - says goodbye and starts talking to my parents so we run out one of the back doors, only to find that the lake on campus was experiancing high tide. I barely get away with my costume not getting wet but Maegan and Isha don't care and they go off swimming with the boys. I'm fuming slightly that they don't care about protocol or costumes enough to mind that water and satin aren't a good mix. So I suppose I change out of my costume into street clothes and I walk over to Dan's house, which is now two houses down from the college. I'm sitting in his room, wondering why he has so many hats (there were like twenty hats there) when I see them on the roof of the college building, apparenlty finished with their swim. So I run over to them, jump over a fire hydrant, float for a little while, think it's cool, so I do it again, this time showing all of them my amazing levitating skills. Anyway, apparenlty now we're in Italy, because as we're walking down the street these guys are yelling at us in Italian, and I get distracted, knocking something over. I didn't know what it was, but it had to be something important because this guy starts running at us so we all start running in different directions, except for me, I'm frozen because I'm a dork. I then follow Dan who ran up this winding stone stairway and see a sign that says "cathedral closed". I look for Dan, see that he's standing reverantly with his head down on one side of a pew and motion for him to leave, as the cathedral's closed but he says no. I go up the last stairs to talk to him, realize that there are people coming behind me carrying - get this - a casket. I then try and act like I'm supposed to be there, like I'm a guest at this funeral. And it might have worked, but Isha and Maegan come running up the stairs yelling for us so the Italians soon realized that we weren't supposed to be there. So they start yelling at us and chasing us out - and then I woke up.
Only a real man could lead this team to victory, and right now that man is sitting in a bubble bath exfoliating with bath toys
Anyway, I backed out like Jeff today. And I would like to comment that it works if your car actually has a good turning radius, which mine does not, hence why I could never do it before. The only reason why it worked now was because it was midnight thirty and the parking lot was empty except for my dad's car. I actually had to back up into another parking space to make the turn wide enough!
So I remembered the first time we hung out with Dan tonight. Meaning, tonight, I remembered the first time we hung out with Dan. It was weird, I was driving by the park and I had this urge to pull over and play but I was like "no, only weird people would be at a park at night in the dark" (heh, Isha...) and that made me think for some reason about the night that we all walked to the park by my house in our sweaters because we were afraid to drive my car because we had just T.P.ed and P.B.ed Steven's car and were afraid that we had our/my license plate taken down by that one old lady - who is probably a "senior" memeber of Steven's female fan club (; . And then Dan threw sand on me. Which reminds me, I don't think I ever got you back for that, punk. Ha, and now that I think about it that was also the night you climbed up on my car and bent the license plate for the first time.
You know, it's really weird that there are three e's in member. Wait...nevermind. I just spelled it funny up there. Forgive this half-crazed lunatic please.
Oh, so my dad looks at me today and is like "you look good with make-up like that" so I would like to officially say that I look good as a floosy. Finally! I've found my true calling in life!!
Actually, I'm still out searching for my "true calling". I was so fixed on what I had planned to do that I didn't actually consider all the things that I like to do and am good at doing. So maybe my first year I'll just douse myself in things I love and am good at and see exactly what I want to be. Though I would still ADORE being a religious archiologist. Though I can't see any practical application in that, which is the only thing that stops me from pursuing it with full force.
Oh, and Steven, in case you were wondering why you weren't invited to our group thing last week for Coop's sweet sixteen (at least I hope it was sweet ;) it's because we couldn't see you playing water volleyball and getting into a water fight with your broken arm/elbow. Actually, I could, and it would make me laugh hysterically, but I didn't think you'd appreciate me pointing and laughing at you while you try as hard as you can. That and you might hurt yourself and that wouldn't make me happy. We actually had you invited and gave you a date and everything, but then you had to go and klutz it up by breaking your elbow. Though I wish you a speedy recovery, but you have to keep the cast so you can always remember the night we colored on your face with make-up.
Anyhoo, I think I'm going to shower so I can go to sleep. Wow, me going to sleep before it's 2. Weird.
Monday, August 01, 2005
"Ha! I defy you!!" - John Nelich
So "Joseph" ended. Wow, all I can say is Saturday was not our best night. Though it was probably the one where I had the most fun, what with the toys and what not. And it was kind of funny to watch Evylyn about to kill a poor pre-pubesant 13 yr. old boy...who I actually thought was a girl the first time, and he did very little to convince me otherwise throughout the rehersal process. Anyway, most of us botched words (okay, so it was Jeff and me, but Becca and Maegan totally followed my goof so they get docked points too), and costumes malfunctioned (Jeff being a paper towel dispenser), but there was just a fun feeling of comaraderie that hadn't been there before. But then we all went to Denny's and then everyone decided to be party poopers and left before 11!! honestly, who does that after the last performance!? So that left me, Isha, Maegan, Megan, and Jeff and we got into some interesting discussions about politics. I learned some interesting things about Jeff and seriously that boy is full of surprises. There are some things he doesn't respect that I would have thought he would. Anyway, it ended up being me and Megan that did most of the talking/arguing/debating, but it wasn't like malicious, it was more like fervent discussing. It was quite fun, took me back to my A.P. History days.
But then we all left since most of us had to be back by 12. Or rather Isha, Maegan, and I did, and since I was the ride for the two of them, plus Megan it would be pointless for Jeff to remain sitting alone in Denny's, though I wouldn't put it past him to do that. Anyway, fifteen minutes, a blatant stop in the middle of the road, a few passes in my awesome ghetto van, and one chinese fire drill later I was home. I then kept my parents up for another two hours talking about the play. We then collapsed from exhaustion and slept through church.
I then did something I always swear I'll never do and I always do it anyway. I started a book series around six or so at night. I took quite a few breaks, finished book three (which I read first because I'm just weird like that) around 10 and decided to go for book 2. Still taking a few breaks to help my mother with costumes, I finished that book around 3. So I figured "sure, why not, let's read book 1" so yeah. I was up until 6 this morning reading. They were good books though, so I don't feel too horrible. But now I have this bug to write something. And I've had this story itching at the back of my brain every since my first week in Europe, and it's just developed amazingly, but there are still a few things - like the exact things that happen in the plot - still need to be worked about before I start.
Anyway, I've gotten e-mails and pics from my Europe friends and I haven't e-mailed them back yet so yes, i'm a horrible person. I think i'll try and do that tomorrow.
But I should go. It's my turn to e-mail Jennifer!
Toodles (and War In!)
Friday, July 29, 2005
Your MOM'S jailbait! - Isha
Anyway, despite me not being able to sing or really do anything that well tonight because of my O.D. on drugs (you know how the Aleve bottle says do not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours? Well, i didn't exceed 6 in 24, more like 4 in 7, so while I wasn't exactly DISOBEYING the instructions...well, you do the math) and us being off on the Elvis number, and the whole "brothers not starting to sing until eight measures after they were supposed to" thing, the show went well. It went better tonight at least. Even with dad botching the curtain call and Jeff being all "turn off the frickin lights!" and making faces at us again. Really, it's not fair that he can sit there, making faces cuz his back's to the audience and we can't even laugh.
So, I've decided all the real fun happens afterwards when we're really hyper and we've got water guns. Or rather, I or Sean has a water gun. Even though he took a chunk out of my finger today and Jeff and I broke the water gun the other night. I swear, I don't know what happened growing up, whether I was shot with stubborn genes or if I just didn't inherit the ability to be girly, but when other girls get shot with the water gun - such as Becca - they scream and run away from the guy. When I get squirted, I yell at the guy, threaten to either kill, hurt, or stop him from having children, and usually run after him and wrestling and fighting over the gun ensues. It's weird. Maybe that's why I'm considered a manly girl. For which I am fairly glad, as I would probably dislike myself severely if I were known as a girlie girl.
Okay, I'm finally going to post this now, as it's taken me over forty-five minutes to write this as I've been trying to chat with Dan at the same time. It's quite hard to multi-task without chocolate!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
You mean this is a dream? Yeah! Bring on the dancing Tuba's!!
Now I realize I'm painting a grim picture of tonights performance, but it was by no means completely horrible. Close Every Door to Me went really well, despite of my teasing of Jeff's lack of low notes. And I'm sure some other things didn't go as badly as I percieved them either.
But on a happier note, we sorta continued the tradition of going to Denny's afterwards - except for the fact that we got called in to rehearse the slow-motion fight scene in Deadwood Dick a little over an hour into our escapade. But even that was fun. We got Beckah and Jeff to come watch it. And it kind of makes me sad that when school starts and the musical's over we're not going to hang out with him anymore. We'll see him in choir and stuff, but actually going out and doing stuff? Not gonna happen. Ah, the strange cliques of life!
Anyhoo, I'm tired and I might go to bed, even though none of my familia is home to talk about the show yet and I really want to.
But Maegan, I've seriously decided that whenever you feel like totally killing Evelyn, just go and give her a hug, or even worse, give her a compliment. I did this to Devin one time and at the end of the day of BOTH of us doing it we were getting along really well. Course now he won't TALK to us, but hey, what can you do?
Oh, and for all those wondering MY GRANDPARENTS GOT A MISSION CALL TO TALLAHASSEE FLORDIA! Which probably means I have to learn to spell Tallahasse now since I am apparently spelling impaired. Which for some reason made me remember: for all of you I didn't tell, I got a 28 on the ACT. I don't know if that's good or what, but I'm happy, considering I took it after coming back from the Drive-In and giving us only three or four hours of sleep!
But I'm seriously going to go now, cuz Jumper's being retarded and scratching at the glass like a mad-dog!
Telephone. It's my parentals. My mother wanted to remind me to put the dogs out so they wouldn't piddle in the house. Which I would do right now, except I was a responsible young adult and did it right when I got home like I was supposed to. She also wanted to let me know she's at Safeway (every time I say that I hear Dan's voice in my head saying "slave-way") buying me Dove ice cream in celebration of opening night.
HA! Maegan, Isha, Beckah! I totally just found a poker chip down my shirt from tonight! That's awesome!
And I'm really just killing time now as I have nothing to do before my parents come home, and though I'm slightly tired I've barely been up over 12 hours so I have no REAL desire to go to bed. I could always walk to the Wittakers or to Jeff's as he - as I learned like, a few months ago when Devin and I were pranking cars...not that that was us of course... - lives about two houses away from me. Course what would I do there? No idea. Probably throw rocks at a window that would turn out to be his parents. Or if i went to the Whittakers I could sneak in their french-doors and probably get attacked by Abish as I walked in. No, I think my options would be better to sit here at my house and wait for my parents as I listen to my dogs playing (hopefully, they're still trying to figure out this pecking-order thing so I pray no one gets hurt) in the background.
wow this was long.....
Monday, July 25, 2005
That bacon's fresh! I just saw them slaughter the cow it came from a few minutes ago!

Ha! I CAN upload pictures! Anyhoo, this picture is in honor of Cooper, the newest 16 year old in La Grande 2nd ward. In case you can't tell, that's him in the back eating ice cream with chocolate smeared all over his face. I wish I could crop this picture and zoom it in closer on him, but Dan's fat head would be in the way. Besides, it's kind of fun to see Dan in his natural element - Chuck-a-Rama.
So Dan's mom got her first real taste of us today. Or at least she saw the chaos that ensues while we're all together. It was so funny when she answered the door and was all "Can you guys eat cake without getting it all over?" And I'm beginning to think the answer is no. I now understand why babies have so much fung flinging food on people. Because once we got past the whole "ohmigosh, I'm getting cake in my hair and frosting smeared behind my ear and on my neck and on my face and on my forehead" - thanks Coop, I love how your rage was focused on ME!!! - "and everywhere else and I'm going to be so dirty and have to shower!" it was really fun.
I'm learning I take for granted that my parents trust me. It's sort of funny really, I'm beginning to appreciate how much they let me do and how they care about me and trust how they raised me enough to let me have freedoms and understandings that some other people's parents don't have. Unfortunately this gets me into trouble sometimes, as I expect all parents to be as cool and trusting as mine.
Anyway, Joseph was a shot in the head today. Maegan and Becca are possibly planning on killing Evelyn and I'm not sure I'm going to stop them. Evelyn's a nice girl and everything, and I get that she's misunderstood, but right now I'm lacking patience and fortitude, as well as energy. Which makes me think I should probably be getting to bed. If I go to be in the next half hour I MAY be able to wake up at nine and still have my voice like normal. And I need to wake up early so we can figure out the whole "Wednesday" thing for Cooper, since today was Dan's thing for Cooper - even though he ended up being late. If I tell you once, I'll tell you a thousand times. Dan, always listen to your mother. She probably knows best, and even if she doesn't you'll probably come off better doing it her way then the way you were planning it.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Happiness is, hot guys and ice cream! - Isha
But then after that the whole "rehersal" thing and the going back to Hilgard, then the whole impromptu visiting with Raage thing and of course, topping it off with a chocolate dipped cone. *sigh*
Anyhoo, I am tired and want to go to sleep. And wash my face, as it is covered in river water. Which is slightly disgusting as you don't know exactly what's in that water.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I was fought over by a Metro-sexual and a cowboy...though I don't think that's something to brag about
Guess what I'm watching now. Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's really cool. I enjoy it quite a lot. Anyhoo, I got my pictures back from the trip, and it makes me sad because i didn't get that many pictures of just people! I have like, three of Thomas, three of Brian, and four girl group pictures...oh, and two of Nick - the super gay guy.
My life has been pretty boring here otherwise. Just relaxing, trying to get my sleep schedule normal again - at least normal for me - rehersals, and the Observer interview. And picking up dog pooh. that was a highlight of my week, i'll tell you that much. OOH! we got a new puppy! She was originally named Lucy but we're calling her Jumper because it fits her more, and seriously, to be a Wheeler dog you MUST have a J name. Anyhoo, she's a beagle, and she's super cute, and I may end up being related to more than half of Union county because my sister is steady dating a Waite. And I ran those two thoughts that had absolutely nothing in common together. But the point still remains, I may end up being related to EVERYONE. Which makes me sad.
I think I'm going to go. I am in the strangest mood right now. Maybe i need chocolate. or starburst.
p.s. Steven, you broke your arm?! How'd THAT happen?