Saturday, July 23, 2005

Happiness is, hot guys and ice cream! - Isha

so tonight was purdy dang fun. first the party/picnic thing, then the frolicking in the river, then tug-of-war and the games. Only one thing sucked about the whole night, and Isha and Maegan know what it is I'm talking about. It really sucks that this is happening and that it seems to usually happen to me. Ugh, it makes me sick. But there's not much we can do about it, so why complain? But Isha, you have to tell me what your parents say.

But then after that the whole "rehersal" thing and the going back to Hilgard, then the whole impromptu visiting with Raage thing and of course, topping it off with a chocolate dipped cone. *sigh*

Anyhoo, I am tired and want to go to sleep. And wash my face, as it is covered in river water. Which is slightly disgusting as you don't know exactly what's in that water.




Beckah said...

What's happening? Is it something I can know about? Yeah, I totally forgot about the celebration until today and I'm kinda bummed I missed it. Oh, you also have to fill me in on everything that;s happening with Jess and her love interest!

Just me said...

meh, it's not that big of a deal, it's just something new I need to get used to. The celebration was extremely awesome and it would've been sweet if you had been there to float down the river with us, but maybe plans, fun plans. And yeah, that'd be cool of IIII knew about jess and her love interest...i come back from Europe and it's like "oh, by the way, jessy's dating a Waite and it looks like it's getting really serious". Then she leaves for Utah before i can interrogate her. Silly girl. But she's coming back tomorrow so maybe we can figure it out then.