Friday, December 30, 2005

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land in the stars..or just float around in space awhile, wondering how you shot yourself off in a rocket

So, what to write. My sister's officially married. As my dad put it "I don't have to worry about her anymore, she's his responsibility." Everyone asks me how it feels to have a sister married and if I'm going to miss her. I'm always like "Hey, I get my own bathroom now, it's sweet!"

You know, I really hate it when people ask that. "How does it feel that you're sisters married and gone?" It's like they actually expect me to turn to them and bare my soul. Hello, I hardly know you. Even those that I do know fairly well I just look at them and smile, saying "It's weird, but I'm happy for her," all the while I'm thinking "Did you actually expect me to tell you what I'm really thinking and feeling? Puh, fat chance! Who do you think you are, anyway?" Which is rude, I'll admit. But I guess I'm sort of weird like that. There are only two or three people I'd be willing to talk to about it and be honest with. Luckily, none of them have really pressed me about it.

Oh, you want to know something funny? Actually, it's kind of sad, but I thought it was humorous. I was going into Wal-Mart today to buy needles and yarn (I'm attempting to knit a scarf...I'll probably be able to start it, it'll start twisting, I'll lose and add stitches all over the place, get INCREDIBLY frustrated, and finally just ask my dad to do it.) and there were these three girls coming out of the store. They were dressed very girly - sparkly belts that matched their purses that matched their shoes, cute little T-shirts and that were fluffy and feminine, and they're all walking out together - and all three are talking on Cell Phones. Seriously. All three. And I highly doubt they were talking to each other. They were just walking and talking to their phones. Am I the only one that sees the idiocracy in that?

Alright, so I think I'm going to go. I rented "The Interpreter" at Blockbuster and my parents and my Aunt and Uncle want to watch it. And it would be really nice if THE WHITTAKERS COULD CALL ME SO WE COULD PRACTICE OUR STUPID SONG THAT WE GOT ROPED INTO SINGING FOR TOMORROW'S PARTY!!!! But I'm not bitter. Oh, and Raage, I have a confession about your hair. And I was going to write it, but I realized you probably wouldn't read it, since you don't read the blogs unless we specifically tell you to and since I'll HOPEFULLY see you at the party - if you choose to grace us with your presence - I'll tell you then. And I still don't know why I'm writing to you since, as I stated above, you won't read this.




p.s. I suck at Video Games, and it makes me REALLY angry!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Just because you have a sports bra doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want! - Jessica Wheeler (Waite in three days!)

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a Holly Jolly Christmas. I did. My dad taught me to knit and I've been trying at it ever since. Of course it's only been about 24 hours since the first "lesson" but I already have an issue. I somehow managed to double my original stitches. Dad doesn't get how I did it, and I sure as heck don't get it either.

Anyway, as most of you know already, I went to midnight mass on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Most of you are wondering why I went. I guess I don't have a concrete reason. I was driving past the church on Tuesday, saw the nativity and was like "that's cool, I wonder what Midnight Mass is like" and so I went. It was neat, but we decided that if we went to it again, we'd want to go to a traditional one.

I GOT AN AIR SOFT GUN FOR CHRISTMAS! Of course I still don't know how to use it. It's not working right, so I think I'm going to take it over to the Haynes's and see if they can show me what I'm doing wrong. I also need to run to Bi-Mart and see if they have the straightener I want so I can finally give Isha's back. I've had it for like, a month. It's sad really. I figure if I find it, I'll give Isha the new one and keep the old one. And I kind of want to go see Baxter's new "motorcycle" And I kind of want to do something tonight, but I'm too lazy to organize it. Don't you love it when that happens? *sigh*

Actually, I need to do my Bio, clean my room, ask Isha if I can borrow her "Angela's Ashes" (very important), and I want to read that one book I have...I think it's The Eye of the World, and knit some more. The one thing I hate about knitting is that when you do it, you really can't do anything else. You can listen and talk, but that's about it.

Anyway, I'd better go. Only three hours of daylight left!



p.s. I hate winter...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

When I do push you away I hope there’s a little man behind you so you fall and hit your head

Ah, the wonders of being able to make Raage mad! I admit though, I do feel sorta bad about it. When we were doing it I realized he would be ticked. But what I think is funny is that Jared and Dan didn't think it was that bad. And - no matter how 'angry' he was - he didn't leave the second he got his stuff. They didn't actually leave until I told them to. And even then they stayed a few minutes more.

Anyway, to clarify what happened. *clears throat*

We had a bunch of people over tonight for a little Christmas get-together thingy. Everyone had left but Jared, Dan, Raage, and Isha. I had stolen Coopers keys and wallet, Jareds coat, and Raage's hoodie and hid them up in my room. Cooper had already left because he found his wallet and keys, but I was blackmailing Raage, Jared, and Dan - because Dan's a meesly sophomore and needs rides everywhere - that I would only give them their stuff if they helped me with my dishes.

They were stupid, and instead sat around in my living room with me and Isha, periodically wrestling with me and trying to watch TV for about a half hour. A half hour in which they could have been helping me with dishes, might I point out. But anyway, they finally leave to go to Jared's to play Halo (boys are such goobers...) and leave their stuff here. Basically what it was was Raage - who is more or less the leader of "the doofus squad" - wouldn't give in to me out of male-pride so they just gave up and left.

So me and Isha do the dishes then we're like "you know, we feel sort of bad. Let's be the bigger people and give them back their stuff." So we get their stuff and put it on. I wear Raage's hoodie and Isha wears Jared's coat. I was going to wear both, but it was freakishly hot. Anyway, we go over to the Haynes's, Sister Haynes let's us in and we go up to where the boys are playing. We stand their for a few seconds before I'm like "and they say there's no violence in the media"...and nothing happens. They don't even acknowledge us. They make some comment about "did you bring our stuff" or something, but basically they just keep shooting and killing whatever the heck boys kill when they play video games.

So now it's time for female pride to kick in. I can honestly say that if they had turned around and acknowledged our existence, we would have given their stuff back. It might have taken a while, but we would have eventually before we left. But no, this hurt the female ego.

Instead, we go into Jared's room and - with his mom's permission and his sisters help - take his M3P player, water bottle, and goggles, and we leave a note saying "hope you don't mind...we borrowed some stuff. Jillian y Isha, con amour!" We then go to Raage's car and - honestly - that boy has a boring car. Or at least it's boring now that me and Meghan cleaned it out. But that's beside the point. From his car we take a flashlight and - get this - a fire extinguisher. Something every teenager should have, of course. I know I carry one around with me wherever I go. In there, we leave a note that says "THIS IS WAR! p.s. thanks for the flashlight and the fire extinguisher." And the whole Jillian and Isha thing. And see, with Raage, when we took the flashlight I was like "hm...this probably doesn't belong to him, I'm going to get in trouble. ...Oh well, too late now." And of course, it turned out it didn't belong to him.

Oh, one more thing. We hid Dan and Raage's shoes. They were right there, I had to!

But anyway, about twenty minutes after I get home, they come in and they're acting all mad. I have a strange feeling they tried to pump themselves up. Then they attempt to chew me out, but my mom steps in, using church doctrine. You gotta love my mom. By the time they left it seemed like only Raage was still mad - which I sorta knew he would be. Again, I feel kind of bad, but hey, what's done is done.

I wish they had been more creative though. Couldn't they have attacked our rooms at night? Ransacked my car? Toilet paper-ed my house? or even gone in our rooms and taken some stuff? *sigh* boys are so unoriginal. Okay, maybe not boys. Kyle or Devin would have probably done something back. I think it's just these boys. They're so boring. Too bad I love them anyway.



Sunday, December 18, 2005

I love you. I just can't stand to be around you

Hola! I've decided to be a non-conformist and actually post on my blog. ;)

Not much is going on. Just hanging around, waiting for things to happen. Which reminds me that I have to call Meghan and see if I can get the book back. And that I need to write a paper on Microbe Hunters (which I would reccomend to anyone interested in Micro-biology).

I'm going to try and finish reading Three Musketeers and Tale of Two Cities. And I have to read Angela's Ashes...once I find it. :-S

I'm supposed to go caroling again tonight. This'll make it time number five I think. I love caroling. I think we should get a gigantic group together sometime and just walk around so we don't have to carpool. That and it really is fun to walk while caroling. I think I'll look at the weather and see when it might be warm enough to walk around. Granted, we don't want, like, fifty people, because that wouldn't be caroling, that would be massing at people's houses (a massive mass of mass went to mass...haha...A.P. Comp, good times.) but I think fifteen or twenty would be okay.

Friday night was fun. I had my recital and then we had the Christmas Party and caroling. That was thrown together and I ended up sharing a hymnal with Raage and Jeff, which was toooooooootally fine by me ;). Actually, walking in the back of the choir group Friday during school was good too. I was completely surrounded by Basses and Tenors. It was suh-weet!

I'm excited for Christmas Break! Sleeping, reading, watching Chronicles of Narnia, playing checkers by the fake fireplace while listening to a skipping "Muppet Christmas Carol" CD. *sigh* AND, according to, it's supposed to snow a majority of this week. CAN LIFE GET ANY BETTER!? I can only think of a few ways to make it so, but for now it's good enough for me.

Hope to see you all soon! Ooh! I think we should have a caroling party where we go sledding afterwards - and, of course, hot cocoa. And maybe watching Muppet Christmas Carol, because it's the coolest Christmas movie EVER. Now I'm excited. WHOOPIE!



Sunday, December 11, 2005

Canes are sexual creatures. Stick them in a box long enough, they're bound to reproduce!

Ah, Devin Frasier. Gotta love the kid.

Anyway, I've decided that my entire world has been flipped upside down. Everything that I always thought was right is now wrong, and I'm feeling soooooooooo guilty right now. It's so frustrating! This one thing has happened and it's just made my world spin and made me realize a lot of things about myself. Things that I really don't like and I have to apologize for. But the one person I really need to apologize too...I don't know how that'll go over. Well, actually, there are three people I feel I need to talk to, but two of them would be really weird, and I think the third will just think I'm stupid.

I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I completely set myself up for this and it's all my fault that it happened. But...ugh, I can't explain it! Anyway, I'm going to go make cookies that we can eat after carolling tonight.


-(a very confused) Jillian

Monday, December 05, 2005

I think I'm developing my personality. I'm finally able to dislike people instead of liking everyone!

Ah, that quote had to be the highlight of my day. And that just goes to show how much my day sucked. I managed to get everything turned in all right and not too much homework, just some bio that I can do at rehersal and anazlying an essay in A.P. Comp. But it still sucked. I got so bogged down with all the drama and crap that comes with High School. The "who likes who" and "who said what to who" and "who's talking to who" thing. Honestly, I don't care. Let's just all be friends and stop trying to hook up. And stop needlessly flirting. Okay, well, maybe not the last thing, because that would bring great saddness to my life, though I still contest that I don't flirt with Raage half as much as everyone thinks I do. Especially in choir. Out of the four times Jacobson said I was flirting with him, I was only talking to him twice. Talking, not flirting. Thank you very much.

You know, I feel really bad, but at the same time I feel really lucky. My day was going horribly and I treated this one friend kind of rotten, but they still felt the need to talk to me about it. And it wasn't one of those "wow, she's angry, better let her vent to get it over with" things. It felt like they really cared. And I feel bad because I never tell this person how much I appreciate them, and I really should. I guess that's the kind of relationship we have though. I don't know quite how to describe it, especially when my parents or someone else asks about it. We just sort of know there's something about the other person. I can't describe it exactly. We never ask how important or how much we trust each other. We just let things be. The only thing I'm ever sure of is that I'm really lucky to have this friend. Of course I'm lucky to have all of my friends. They're all incredibly awesome.

Anyway, I have rehersal tonight. Oh, but I have to tell you guys this. As most of you know I'm grounded for staying out an hour and a half past curfew (long story...too long and detailed to write on here). But what ends up happening is Raage left his sleds in my car and stopped by to pick them up. Like always, we end up talking (I honestly think the shortest conversation me and this guy had that's not just me calling to ask about an assignment - though now that I think about it, those end up being long too, but that's a side bar to my other side bar - has been twenty minutes, and that was when he was just dropping off a jacket at my house. Yeah, two talkative people should not get together...) and it's probably only been a few minutes and we're standing by his car parked by the side of my house, my mom comes out, we freeze as a joke so she won't see us and I won't get in trouble again, and she goes back in. I figured she saw or heard us anyway, it's not like Raage and I are incredibly quiet people. But maybe ten minutes later, Nick comes out and is all "Um, Jillian, you should probably go inside before your mom freaks out." And I was like "what? Is she angry?" and Nick said "yeah, she doesn't know where you are and she's calling Raage's house right now." So I sprint inside - I don't think I even said goodbye to Raage - and explained to my mom that I was there the entire time and I thought she had seen me and all I was doing was returning the sleds. Luckily for me, she calmed down. Though I don't get why she called Raage's house. Did she think I ran away or something?

Anyway, that's been the high point of my night. How sad is that? I've still got about forty-five minutes till rehersal, so I'll probably go read or something.



Saturday, December 03, 2005

She's being all cuddly, and it's like you think she has cooties or something!

so we're taking a five or ten minute break before we start going over certain numbers again. Caroling this morning was really fun. It ended up just being me, Beckah, and Jeff because Steven had to take the SAT's (ouch!). It sounded really cool and we got free carmel popcorn, hot cocoa, oranges, and cookies. It was awesome. Especially since all the snow was attacking us. Like, seriously. If you guys looked outside today and saw how hard it was snowing from like, eleven till one, yeah, we were out in that. Jeff's hair was matted with snow. We'd go in a building and start singing, and because we'd be looking down the snow would melt and drip all over the hymnals. There was only once we totally lost it though. Jeff's hair dripped, then Beckah saw a deer wearing a santa hat or something, and I dropped the pitch pipe and me and Beckah cracked up. Jeff tried to save us by keeping going, but there was no point, it was totally gone. I was so close to crying from laughing so hard. Ha, and then we were running across main street and we jump on the curb...only to sink up to our knees in snow because it wasn't the curb at all. The three of us start screaming and jumping to try and out get and onto the actual sidewalk. The whole thing was really fun. And we discovered that Joy to the World moves into The First Noel really well.

Anyway, now rehersal. We got here late, but I only missed one song. And I think I may have to leave now because I think my time's up. Alright, I'll finish this later!

