Friday, September 09, 2005

One more thing. Never stick a spoon full of peanut butter up your nose.

Those are my amazingly wonderful words of widsom for today. And as for my feelings about today all I can say is this. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGUBAMUFGHAA!!!!!!!!!

There you go. My feelings. I'M SO TIRED! Like, seriously, bio was soooooooooooooooooooo frickin hard! I was so tired and even writing was a chore.

But I had a strange epiphany (he he he...still my favorite word) in A.P. Comp today. It made me realize how Heavenly Father really does know each of us personally. We were sitting there, trying to write a stupid 'Lifeline' story about someone who helped change your life for the better. And I realized that I didn't really have anyone like that. And it wasn't a bad thing, because I realized every single time I've changed for the better it was because something bad happened to me, and I grew from that. Heavenly Father knows me so well that he knew I was as stubborn as a horse and that if anyone threw me a "Lifeline" so to speak, I would have rejected it without even realizing it. It's kind of cool. Though it doesn't help me too much on my assignment, it sure helped me through the rest of the day.

Hold on, have to go check on the spaghetti.

How do you spell spaghetti anyway? Like that? I suppose so, it looks fine. Well, as fine as the word spaghetti will ever look. Dang! I just realized I didn't get to wish Dan good luck today because the spoon missed choir! (ha! use your own word against you! booyah!) Anyway, good belated luck Dan! Run well! I'm kind of sad because I probably won't be able to find out how cross-country and football did until I get back on Tuesday, and by then it'll be old news.

For all those that don't know, I am going to Rexburg to go to my grandparents farewell. They're serving in a little coastal town in Alabama, and ten to one they're going to be doing clean-up from the hurricane, which'll be right up their alley since they bothed lived in Rexburg during the Teton Dam break. OH COOL! They're having an "engineering Rome" special on the history channel! Cool Beans! I have to go turn it on and check on the spaghetti, hold on.

Back. You know what I realized I really like? When you're just talking with a friend and then there's a bit of silence, and you just smile, and they smile back and you both start laughing. You're not laughing at anything or anyone, you're just happy that you're there. It's a weird moment; a strange and poignant connection between two souls if you will. It could just be me, but I love that feeling.

We're getting rid of Jumper tomorrow. HURRAH!!!!!!!!! NO MORE DOG PEEING IN MY ROOM AND CHEWING ON MY TEXT BOOKS!

Okay, enough blogging though, now that you're mostly updated on my fairly boring life. Except for this information, which most of you know anyway, but I'm going to rehash it anyway. Apparently I'm going to ASM for Dan for "The Foreigner" and help with dialect help if they need it. So, yeah, that's my news. It's not much, but hey.




Just me said...

um, wow...viagra...that's cool...

isha said...

sounds like a good plan dan....hehehe I like tht sentence...good plan dan....hehehe..creepy poster people. AH! leave us alone you freaks!!!!!! lol
well we'll see you on tues. I promi I'll read the chapter and make really good notes for you so you don't get lost. and I'm really sad you can't come to the dance. But happy for you to go see your grandparents off...mixed emotions. Anyways, enjoy your trip, and I might stop by your house before you leave..and I'll be taking care of your dogs won't I. I should probably go talk to yer mum about that. so I guess I WILL see you tomorrow!
Lov ya Jill!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps your "Lifeline" is The Heavenly Father, Himself. What you just wrote about how He knows you so well to allow you to rise on your own and grow and the fact that He gives you that chance to change and grow in such a manner (despite your stubborness), is a "lifeline". Explain it as you did in your blog (paragraph 3 sentences 2,4-6), but elaborate and give specific examples. You may not want to get all faithful on your teacher, but it sounds like an excellent viewpoint for such a story. Just a simple suggestion.

isha said...

woah...who was that?!?!?!?!?!!
good advice tho. it might work jill. but I want to know who the weirdo is that won't leave a name..

Just me said...

i know! it's frustrating...i'm asking dan if he has any clue who it is but he doesn't know either...i think duncan would be cool with that, as he's the 'bible study' guy at the school.

isha said...

heheheh lol lauren...