Sunday, August 07, 2005

Okay, I think I've officially found the weirdest name ever. Seriously. It's Welsh and it has no vowels in it. It's spelled Gwrn. Are you allowed to use names doing Hangman, because if you are you could so totally win with that one.

Anyway, I love BYD's. They make me happy inside. I'm trying to get so that we can have them once a month or at least once every other month instead of once every three months as it is now.

So a brief overview of the past few days. Basically it's all been so melodramatic!! Ha...ha ha...okay, I thought it was funny. Anyhoo, I've had a really fun couple of days, even though they were really tiring and draining. It was totally awesome to go to church today too. You want to know something depressing? In 7 weeks I've only been to church 2! And I haven't been to mutual once! And I won't be able to go to mutual till the 24th! It's so depressing! I think I've only been to mutual twice this summer.

Anyway, going back to the past few days, between the fair, walking around in public wearing fishnets and hooker make-up, Isha being really tired and saying silly stuff, and burning pantyhose in the parking lot, it's been totally awesome. I can't help but be so thankful that Heavenly Father has allowed me to be around the people I'm with a lot and having the friends that I do. There were just a few times that I would be talking with someone and it would just hit me how much I loved them and loved being around them. I don't know if I realized this because it's summer and I haven't seen them for a while or if I was just tired or what, but it was really cool.

So, I'm really tired and my eyes are burning...but as I went through the past few days I was like "oh, I'm going to have to write that in my blog!" and now I can't remember what they were. Okay, I talked about walking around the fair at night with Coop, Raage, and Sam, throwing up at the fair early that day, burning the fishnets and doing a gorilla dance around them in the parking lot. I didn't get to talk about singing really loudly and off-key with Ginger, Caitlin, and Isha. Oh! One more thing. Is it weird that I'm still dealing with repercussions of having friends two years older than me? Like, seriously. Every time I see one of my friends that I was close to Sophomore year (they were all seniors) I just get really depressed because they're all moving on and I'm still at good 'ole LHS, and even worse, when I see them I'm sad because while some of them stayed here I don't get to hang out with them really at all. I don't think anyone should have to deal with that, no matter how much I want to be friends with them. So I guess that sort of explains that.

Oop, time for family prayer. Be back.

Okay, we're procrastinating going upstairs to pray, so I'll write some more.

But while you have those friends that move on I keep meeting new people at the college that are just fun to do stupid stuff with. Like Ginger for instance. I got to know her during "Deadwood Dick" and she's a blast. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her sometime.

Anyway, I still don't remember all that I was going to type. I guess it's not that important then. Oh! But I figured a way to somehow integrate my dream into the story I'm planning on writing sometime. If I ever get around to it.

So we're actually going to say prayer now, so I'm just going to get off.

Toodles all!!


p.s. one thing I forgot to challenge everyone to do that I remembered while I was up praying. If you start today to develop a habit you want for school, for instance, saying hi to everyone you know or going out of your way to do kind deeds for people, or - one that your parents will like - not procrastinating chores that they've assigned you to do but getting to them right away, it should be a habit by the time school starts if you keep at it every day! This, of course, includes reading your scriptures, waking up on time for Early Morning Seminary (which I think all of us are in, yes?), family scripture reading, etc. So that's my challenge. Find at least one habit you want to develop, write it down on a sticky note or something, and stick it somewhere where you'll see it. And if you want we can tell each other what our goals are so we can help each other with them. That's what friends are for, right?


Just me said...

My goals:
-be nice to people
-let them know I care about them
-If I have a compliment, say it and don't worry about sounding like an idiot
-Say hi to everyone
-Wake up on time
-Do things when I'm asked

isha said...

-morning/nightly prayer and scripture study.....
-making positive things actually sound positive, instead of having them come out wrong and sounding negative

those is mine...

Beckah said...

Oh gosh, I have too many to post, but I'll include a few.

-writing in my journal
-being more kind to others (not using sarcasm! which is going to be hard)
-being a good friend
-being less selfish
-learning to love my family more
-be more healthy
-always remembering the Savior

Thanks for that Jill. It's really true that your best friends are the ones that are going to correct you and keep you on the straight and narrow because they care for you. I'm glad that you care enough about us to want us to be better, so thanks. You rock!