Sunday, December 11, 2005

Canes are sexual creatures. Stick them in a box long enough, they're bound to reproduce!

Ah, Devin Frasier. Gotta love the kid.

Anyway, I've decided that my entire world has been flipped upside down. Everything that I always thought was right is now wrong, and I'm feeling soooooooooo guilty right now. It's so frustrating! This one thing has happened and it's just made my world spin and made me realize a lot of things about myself. Things that I really don't like and I have to apologize for. But the one person I really need to apologize too...I don't know how that'll go over. Well, actually, there are three people I feel I need to talk to, but two of them would be really weird, and I think the third will just think I'm stupid.

I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I completely set myself up for this and it's all my fault that it happened. But...ugh, I can't explain it! Anyway, I'm going to go make cookies that we can eat after carolling tonight.


-(a very confused) Jillian


Anonymous said...

Good luck.

Owl. :)

Anonymous said...

And I love your profile.

But I don't believe it. ;)


isha said...

I sorry...if I knew what was going on I could try to help, but I don't....and I probably couldn't help very much anyways.....sorry your confused...

and I really am sorry about your car..I feel soooooooooooo bad, and I don't know how I can help fix it....and I wish i could....and your parents probably hate me now.....and won't trust me around a car again.

and who's owl?

Just me said...

I have no idea who owl is...weird...owl, who are you?
and the car's fine. I'm still technically grounded from driving it anyway. I would like to say this is the most fun I've had being grounded.