Saturday, August 27, 2005

How come they always put the "do not turn package over" instructions on the bottom of the package?

So, today has been fun. Yesterday was pretty cool/boring, what with Link Crew training and all. And then with the Mike Bassel walking into the sleep over the drunk guys outside banging on the doors at two in the morning, combined with the fact that we were on the gym floor, well, that just topped it off. ;) Actually, it wasn't as bad as it sounds, it turned out to be a lot of fun. I hung with Dane and Reed mostly, but in the end I spent almost 100% of my awake hours with Dane today, as he's my Link Crew partner. So, here's what happened and why I'm slightly rummy and inhibitied right now; a.k.a. I'm slightly high.

#1) I'm running on 5.5 or so hours of sleep. Not too bad, but enough to make me 'see the fun side of life' a little more than normal.

#2) Dane and I went through 11 cans of spray paint today trying to make our costumes which - just so you know - look kind of like gangster art done by two year olds who can't spell right.

It was really funny though, because we figured, you know, two, three hours at most and our costumes would be done. See, we had decided to go as "cereal killers", making the kids wear cardboard boxes painted like cereal boxes and have knives and machette's sticking out of them and stuff. Fake of course. But this turned out to be too hard for our poor, feeble, sleep-deprived minds, but we tried anyway. Together me, Dane, and Kristy went recycle bin diving behind Sears, got as much cardboard as we could fit in the back of the van, went to Walmart, bought all the supplies we thought we'd need - 3 cans of spray paint and some stencils - and went to go make boxes. It started really fun, kind of goofing around in the summer sun on my front lawn. But it soon became semi-nightmarish. 1 can of spray paint only covered a 3rd of a box. So, anyway, we kind of cut out all the boxes, lined them with duct tape and started making the yeah, the knives when Dane went and bought 8 more cans of spray paint. I continued to spray some of the boxes with whatever paint we had left. Unfortunately, even though we were in what should have been a very well ventilated area - out on my driveway - everytime I sprayed for more than 30 seconds at a time I had a large sphere of fumes around me that I inhaled. Dane came back, helping me, and ohmigosh, we were so easily amused. For example:

Dane: This box looks like crap.

Me: Good thing we're painting it brown then.

And seriously, I'm laughing at that right now. And like, my eyes were watering and I was dizzy and nauseous and stuff, but dang I was having a good time. I think everything within a square block might have been affected by the fumes. Anyway, we finally finished at 5:30 (we started at 1) and it was funny because me and Dane could barely lift a cardboard box together. It was so funny, we were making fun of him because he was complainging cardboard was heavey, so he asked for my help and the two of us couldn't haul it together. It was soooooooooooooo sad.

Anyway, that's been my day, and I am completely exhausted and still very easily amused. I hope you all have had wonderful 'final-saturdays-before-school-starts'! See you Tuesday...or Sunday, dependings!



1 comment:

isha said...

That really did sound like a lot of fun! hehehe lol...We'll just remember if we ever have any projects together to not use spray paint...see you sometime later today jill!