Monday, December 05, 2005

I think I'm developing my personality. I'm finally able to dislike people instead of liking everyone!

Ah, that quote had to be the highlight of my day. And that just goes to show how much my day sucked. I managed to get everything turned in all right and not too much homework, just some bio that I can do at rehersal and anazlying an essay in A.P. Comp. But it still sucked. I got so bogged down with all the drama and crap that comes with High School. The "who likes who" and "who said what to who" and "who's talking to who" thing. Honestly, I don't care. Let's just all be friends and stop trying to hook up. And stop needlessly flirting. Okay, well, maybe not the last thing, because that would bring great saddness to my life, though I still contest that I don't flirt with Raage half as much as everyone thinks I do. Especially in choir. Out of the four times Jacobson said I was flirting with him, I was only talking to him twice. Talking, not flirting. Thank you very much.

You know, I feel really bad, but at the same time I feel really lucky. My day was going horribly and I treated this one friend kind of rotten, but they still felt the need to talk to me about it. And it wasn't one of those "wow, she's angry, better let her vent to get it over with" things. It felt like they really cared. And I feel bad because I never tell this person how much I appreciate them, and I really should. I guess that's the kind of relationship we have though. I don't know quite how to describe it, especially when my parents or someone else asks about it. We just sort of know there's something about the other person. I can't describe it exactly. We never ask how important or how much we trust each other. We just let things be. The only thing I'm ever sure of is that I'm really lucky to have this friend. Of course I'm lucky to have all of my friends. They're all incredibly awesome.

Anyway, I have rehersal tonight. Oh, but I have to tell you guys this. As most of you know I'm grounded for staying out an hour and a half past curfew (long story...too long and detailed to write on here). But what ends up happening is Raage left his sleds in my car and stopped by to pick them up. Like always, we end up talking (I honestly think the shortest conversation me and this guy had that's not just me calling to ask about an assignment - though now that I think about it, those end up being long too, but that's a side bar to my other side bar - has been twenty minutes, and that was when he was just dropping off a jacket at my house. Yeah, two talkative people should not get together...) and it's probably only been a few minutes and we're standing by his car parked by the side of my house, my mom comes out, we freeze as a joke so she won't see us and I won't get in trouble again, and she goes back in. I figured she saw or heard us anyway, it's not like Raage and I are incredibly quiet people. But maybe ten minutes later, Nick comes out and is all "Um, Jillian, you should probably go inside before your mom freaks out." And I was like "what? Is she angry?" and Nick said "yeah, she doesn't know where you are and she's calling Raage's house right now." So I sprint inside - I don't think I even said goodbye to Raage - and explained to my mom that I was there the entire time and I thought she had seen me and all I was doing was returning the sleds. Luckily for me, she calmed down. Though I don't get why she called Raage's house. Did she think I ran away or something?

Anyway, that's been the high point of my night. How sad is that? I've still got about forty-five minutes till rehersal, so I'll probably go read or something.




isha said...

hehehe...thats funny. And we all know you're talking about why don't you just say it? silly girl : )
and BTW thanks for coming in on your own today for rehearsal...

Just me said...
