Sunday, August 14, 2005

And why do I have a picture of "Wicked" on my blog, you may ask? It's because I've found a theme song in "I'm Not That Girl" because honestly, that describes the past little while and most likely the rest of my life. For some reason this doesn't bug me though. Well, that and Idina Menzel totally rocks my socks and if I could grow up to be her that would be cool. Though I would have a problem doing "Rent".

So the dance was fun. Except now if I touch my cranium in almost any place it's sore, but I can only remember 3 times I got hit there: Dan's cheekbone, Dan's elbow, and the volleyball, but there are four sore places. How does this work? I dunno, maybe I smacked my skull on my headboard last night. I am amazingly skilled like that after all. Or - and this is probably most likely - I got smacked too many times last night to remember individual incidences.

So, I have no guidance in my life now. It's weird. If you asked me 2 years ago what I planned for the rest of my life I would have told you where I was going to college, what I was studying, my plan of action, blahdey blahdey blahdey. Now people ask where I'm going to college and I honestly don't know. It's weird.

I like being nice to people. It's really fun. And what's more, it helps them have fun too. That's my deep thought for the day, just so you know.

Nick's homecoming talk was cool and me and Gen actually sounded pretty good singing this morning. It's the spirit I tell you. But after Nick's really cool talk on commitment there was this guy who talked about tithing and it was really cool. I can't remember why it was really cool, but it made me want to go out and get a job just so I could pay tithing. Then we went over to Jaime's mom's house and played with their beagle Abby (my beagle's cuter! nah-nah nah-nah-nah!) where I promptly fell asleep on their lay-z-boy. I can't help it, I went to be at 2 last night and woke up at four, I was sleep-deprived. We then went over to the Romriell's, I totally woke up and was insane to scare some of Gen's cousins that I've known for a while, then promptly lost energy, hung around with Jeremy and John while eating homemade Vanilla ice cream, said good-bye with the promise that they're going to come up and visit sometime, than left and promptly conked out on the ride home. My Sunday in a nutshell. I am sad I missed the talk on the constitution and stuff, as I am absolutly obsessed about History, but it was good to see Nick and Karrinna and Gen and Jeremy again. And does constitution really have that many T's in it? I guess it does.

I'm going to sis needs help with dishes before "Ping-Ping" comes over.




Beckah said...

So how many nicknames does this guy have by now? And I'm glad you had fun, even if you missed that talk. It sounds like you had a blast. See you in a couple of weeks!

isha said...

that was weird....