Monday, May 02, 2005

They're not hippies! They're democrats!

Okay, so right now I should probably be working on my A.P. homework (I only have to do the timelines, oh yeah baby) but Raage's copying my packet so it's not like I can really do anything. And I really don't know what I should be doing right now. I'm in Health 2 and I totally already finished the stupid letter thingy that we were suposed to work on all today so now stuck being bored.

Oh hum...this is fun. Actualy, Early Morning was really fun this morning. It was cool just to be there and spend time with people and make people laugh. I love making people laugh. Unfortunately in order to do so I end up accidentally sacrificing my body to the cause. Hm...I suppose I could be doing what Raage and Dane are doing - napping on the desks.

Anyway, I've decided it's going to be a beautiful day. Not only is it really pretty outside but I have these reasons as well. 1) I'm almost done with my History homework. 2) I'm only at school for two and a half days. 3) I may get to go down to Ontario/Fruitland for Robert's 18th birthday next weekend. and 4) BECAUSE I SAY SO!

Words do not explain my boredness right now. Seriously. I still maintain (gol I must be tired, I forgot how to spell maintain) that only boring people are bored, which means right now I'm very boring. Which is true. If I came and read over my shoulder I'd be like "wow, this girl typing is so boring!" course that would be weird as I would be talking about myself. Course then I'd also realize that I don't really appreciate weird people reading over my shoulder so I probably woudln't do it. But then again I wouldn't have to as it would be me writing so it's not like I'd have to read what I was writing to know what I was thinking, I'd already know, wouldn't I?

Okay, I'm confusing myself now.

-Jillian Out

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