Wednesday, May 18, 2005

It's like when a person compares a blue ball to a watermelon cut in the shape of a catfish...

Gah today was good. Except now I'm dead tired. Nothing quite takes the energy out of you than a good highlighter fight. It seriously took me five minutes of scrubbing to get all the marker off so people wouldn't think I had jondis tonight at the AVE concert - which went fairly well by the way.

But yeah, as most of you know Sam Stevens totally smacked me into a wall. I have to admit it was impressive how he did it. He just linked his arm around mine while I was running and let my own momentum take me.

Seriously though, I love things like marker fights. I love doing things that involve running and getting dirty and wrestling and being loud and other stuff like that. There's nothing quite like it. I think my ideal of "Fun" would have to be having a fight like that and then without any reason, any person saying "okay, now we be serious" you just sit there and have a deep conversation about...well, anything really. I mean, it's like with some of my friends, we'll be sitting there doing nothing, then something will happen where we start royally goofing off and being "immature" and eventually we'll tire out and just sink into a couch and talk about life and religion and other stuff like that. We might continue wrestling a little while we do it but still, there's just a feeling of comfortableness and ease when you talk about serious subjects with people you just goofed off with.

I think you have to achieve a balance in life. If you have too much fun you'll never learn or grow to your potential as a human being. But if you don't have any fun? If you never just yell and act immature and run around or throw yourself on the floor for no reason your life is going to be...well...bland. While I love having funny conversations with my friends and making them laugh and telling stories about each other and making memories that way I honestly can say some of the best memories of this year are going to be the things like pranking and marker fights and dog piles. But at the same time I'll remember the serious talks I've had with certain friends too.

See, it's a balance thing.



Anonymous said...

si... I hope you got a bruise from the folder I chucked at you......oh wait. I forgot, you don't bruise do you.

Anonymous said...

I so have to agree with everything you said. It is all about balance and without that then heck what do you have?


Just me said...

you have nothing...and no, I probably won't have a bruise. And if it was it would be yellow;). Besides, if I get a bruise from the folder and not from Reed smacking me with his flip-flop I'll be quite depressed.