Saturday, May 21, 2005

Nothing like when an actor goes "whoops, wrong sock. 0h well"

Heh, I bet none of you realized that O in the Oh well is really a zero. Anyway, we had the adjudication tonight and it barely got out like, a half hour ago. A bunch of people went to Denny's but I decided not to, even though it would be totally awesome to have made fun of Tristan around Coleen. And Erin wouldn't have been there which makes everything TONS better. Gol that girl ticks me off! I swear her goal in life is to try and belittle me. I actually told her that I wasn't going to rise to her bait anymore, but I kind of did tonight. The adjudicator made a joke about how he wanted to make the response short because he knew most of the cast really wanted to be out drinking (theatre humor, gotta love it) and Erin laughed really loudly and I was all "well, we all know Erin wants to at least" and the people around me that heard it just snickered because it's so true. I swear, that girl is the biggest lush I've ever seen.

Anyway, on a happier note, the play went pretty well tonight. We messed up quite a few times (and by we, I don't mean me, I have the simpliest job...push play, push up faders...wait...pull down faders, pause button, cue up next sound, wait some fifty odd pages, and viola, that's my night) like the platforms and stuff. And I really want lasagna. Or hot cocoa. But the audience was great. We got another Ovie at least.

Does anyone know when the "track stars" are getting back? Cuz if we're going to do up Raage's car it might be a smart idea to do it BEFORE he returns victouriously. I'm only assuming it'll be victouriously, and I certainly hope it is. Gol dang it! I have stupid Big River songs stuck in my head. I wonder why *rolls eyes*. And jeesh my hands are freezing!

I hope you don't have mono Maegan, cuz if you did guess who else would have it?

So I saw Mekala Clapp at the show today. Brought back some memories that I didn't really want to remember, but it was good I did because it helped me realize what caused me to get into the self-defeating complex I had for the first part of this year...well, actually, I was in it up until like, two weeks ago. It's so weird when you look back on all the things that have happened and you realize how you generally got where you are. Or were as my case was.

But dude, Katelyn agreed that Tristan was hot. Mollie made the comment/inside joke "yummy with a spoon!" Course then I had to go and explain about his swimmer body (a.k.a. boy Steven's...heh heh heh...but hey dude, thanks for holding my keys, without you we wouldn't have gotten to the show before it started!) and that turned them off a little.

Ohmigosh, you know what I realized? We managed to get through Lux Arumque without out doing the "POOOH-rah" thing. Yes, we have self-discipline!

It's going to be so weird in choir next year without Devin and Crystal. OHMIGOSH! If I'm having issues now with only Kyle in college how am I going to be next year? This is going to be really trippy. The college students - the freshman at least - are only like, 2 years older than me. It really throws a wrench in my usual "college/Wheeler child" relationship.

Alright, I'm going to drink some hot cocoa and go to sleep, cuz my fingers are FREEZING!


Quotes for the day:

"Pain is a testament of Human Love."

"Much as he'd done to me I couldn't feel any hardness against him. Human beings can be so cruel to each other sometimes."


Anonymous said...

I don't have mono my sister was being gay. I just haven't taken care of my self lately. But hey Friday I ate a good luch and dinner so it is a start. But today all I have had was pop tarts. Oh well it is still early.


Anonymous said...

I am not gay. I like boys.. and it was a real concern. And do you ever not talk about Tristan in your blogs my dear. I know he is really cute and if he would ever (which won't ever happen in a million plus two years) be interested in me I would jump all over that like a sugar-hyped kid on a trampoline. :D and Erin isn't completely all that bad. She has her own thing. We all do. I just wish that you wouldn't let her irritate you so. You are too good for that. :D


Anonymous said...

Is this Jillian Wheeler?

Mekala Tinnin (Clapp) said...

Hey Jillian,
I've known this post was here since 2005 :) It wasn't until recently that I realized I'm having a hard time letting go of what seems to be your negative impression of me from high school. I recently made amends with my own nemesis from those years, and came to realize through that experience that things aren't always what they seem from the outside, especially from the perspective of someone who feels "picked on." When I'm reminded of this post that I saw so many years ago, I wonder if I played a similar role in your high school experience, and wanted the chance to touch base and clear the air.
We both know what "drama" went down the year before, and I can imagine why seeing me the next year would make you feel the way you mentioned in this post. I'm not under the impression that any of what happened still effects you drastically to this day (so try to see past this seemingly dramatic comment over something that probably seems so distant and trivial now!) But I do feel the need to say: despite whatever you may have heard or felt at the time, I never felt like you were to blame for the things I experienced my senior year. In no way, shape, or form was I under the impression that you were anything but talented freshman enjoying her first year at LHS, just as I did. You were cast as the main role in 2004 because it was *perfect* for you, and I knew at the time that your personality would make the musical all it was written to be. You went on to give fantastic performances in everything you set your mind to in the music program after that. I was always truly happy that you could enjoy the music program to the fullest- because for the most part, the music program at LHS was happiest times of my young life.
All of this to say- I don't know how it was experienced on your end, but I always saw us to be in the same situation at the time. In the middle of the noise, opinions, sides drawn, things said, feelings hurt, chances missed, opportunities gained, and changes, I was just a girl who wanted everyone to be happy and move on.
I don't regularly follow your blog, but it looks like things have worked out nicely for your life. I wish you all the best!
Mekala Tinnin (Clapp)