Saturday, May 28, 2005

I had an imaginary friend once. I didn't really like her so I killed her.

Okay, I officially hate Macs. No offense Beckah, especially since I'm actually typing this on your computer waiting for the stupid DVD's to burn (I think I may go home, take a nap, come back, and finish then...maybe it'll be finished converting the menu's then *rolls eyes*) but seriously! Here I am, trying to burn the "Honor the Seniors" DVD and type up the program when all of the sudden the stupid window's writer thingy - microsoft word, that's what that retarded thing is called - decides it doesn't like me and freezes up on me. Well, it's not exactly frozen, but it keeps giving me this rainbow swirlie thing and won't let me exit out of it even! Puh! The nerve of it!

And yeah, I just realized I sound really bitter. I'm not though, I'm in quite a good mood actually.

But the point remains I still can't operate word. And it's not like I can just restart the computer or anything. It's taken me over an hour to have the Compy burn half of a menu on the DVD, I'm not going to stop the process now. I'm hoping all of a sudden I'll click on the little button and be like "Holy Moses! It finished all of a sudden without any warning! What a nice surprise!" but I highly doubt that will happen.

There is a plus to this though. Beckah has some awesome Tunes on her comp that I'm rocking out to so I don't fall asleep and get keyboard face. GO TECHNO PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!

Anyway, I'm seriously looking forward to the summer. HUZZAH FOR FREE TIME AND SLEEPING IN AND GOING TO THE DRIVE-IN! Last night was fun. There's something really comforting about having your head on someone's chest - or in my case stomach - and their arm around you and just feeling them breathe. It's so soothing. And I know some of you are thinking "it's only that way if it's a hot guy" but that's wrong. The guy doesn't have to be hot. ;-) joking, but seriously though, it doesn't have to be a guy, it just has to be a person your comfortable with. Honestly, it's the most calming thing. I just laid their curled up in a ball with my blanket over me and I barely even paid attention to the movie. I was too busy fighting off sleep. But it was nice though.

WILL IT EVER BE FINISHED! Good news though, it's halfway through the menu's! BOO-YAH! I knew there was justice in this world

Okay, getting off, cuz the compy's starting to be slow which is not a good sign. Maybe if I close down all other functions the burning will go



Anonymous said...

I like your title you so stoll that from me you loser. That is ok you told me you were going to use it. Oh and I agree with the whole sitting there with someone fighting off sleep because of feeling them breathe whhether it is a guy or girl it is very comforting. I think we talked about this last night.


pev said...

Whose stomache? is it with an e? stomach?... estumago.

Anonymous said...

Sam's stomach. He is quite a comfortable guy.


Beckah said...

Sorry, Jill. You should have just copied the DVD instead of burning it over again, it would have been much faster. And I know what you mean about Word. It was giving me a heck of a time Thursday night when I was trying to do my homework. And thanks about my tunes. ; )