Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You can just suck my big toe...and I hope it tastes funny!

So yeah, today's sucking really badly. I hate it when this happens. It feels like the entire world is moving along, progressing, and I'm just sitting in a haze watching it go by. It's like one of those shots where they have a person standing alone in the crowd not moving while people zoom by in little blurs. Except in this case it's more me trying to move through water while everyone else is flying.

I don't know how else to describe it, so I'll leave it at that.

I should really be working on my A.P. stuff right now, but I'm lacking motivation to do anything but curl up in a corner and read. That's the problem when I get a good book, I never want to stop reading it. Maybe that's why my parents would take them away from me as a form of punishment.

And now Sebastyn is sitting sort of behind me so I should probably do my work.

Gol, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your day was so bad hon. Mine wasn't all that great either but then again I didn't feel like I was trying to move through water. I hope tomorrow is better. Just think we only have two more days left of school and then it is summer.


Beckah said...

Huzzah! Summer!