Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It looked a crushed Cheerio!

So, today's been interesting. Fun, but interesting. Well, sorta. Besides Meghan being a Kamikazee, the thing during lunch, flunking a Calculus test, realizing I'm completely unprepared for the Bio test on Friday because I always write notes to Meghan in that class, and Cletus being a complete PAIN (literally...) it was pretty good. We didn't even have to run the mile in P.E! Instead we watched some football movie. It was actually somewhat funny.
Oh! And I made two funny puns today. The first was directed towards Brittany Rasmussen. We were throwing Javelin's and she's being stupid and doing cartwheel's out in front of where me and Becka were throwing, and Becka's like "get out of the way unless you want to be run through with my Javelin!" and I was like "Yeah, because then you'd be Brittany Speared." And then we were talking about straight plays and musicals and I was like "Hm...if plays are straight, what does that make Musicals?"

Yeah, I thought they were funny. But I have a feeling I might be the only one.

Mr. Jacobson laughed at the musical joke though. Then I threw a Cheerio at him, which I later crushed.

A moment of silence for my lovely processed wheat circle with a slight honey flavor.

Alright, now that THAT'S over, I'm going to record an Ode I've written, for the sake of posterity. Oh, and for all the many guys who read my blog (ha...fat chance...) you might not want to read this. It might be all too shocking!

Ode to Cletus
-(to the tune of "Genovia" from the film "The Princess Diaries")
Oh uterus
I want to pull you out!
Oh uterus
Oh uterus!
When you hurt
I want to give a shout!
But I think I'm now going to write Mr. Jacobson a death threat signed by Cletus. I think he would enjoy that. And by he I mean Mr. Jacobson.
Oh, and speaking of naming. I think I'm going to name my javelin Apollus. I think maybe only Raage will know where I got that name from, but for the rest of you, it's because Becka told me I look like a Roman when I throw. How she knows how a Roman looks, I don't know, but I guess that's okay. I'm sure there are some pretty hot Romans out there. And again, Raage may be the only one knowing who/what I'm referring to.
Okay, so I'm incredibly tired, and my body's still sore, but I'm getting used to it. But I think I'll take a shower and go to bed. I'm supposed to go walking with Meghan tomorrow. But don't worry Beckah! You're still my 6 o'clock pre-work-out make-out partner! My one and only!
Toodles all!


mollie baum said...

Jillian! AH HAHA!!! I seriously cracked up at the Brittney Speared joke.....OH my goodness i can't stop laughing......hahaha, and its actually quite imbarressing because i'm in the school library and everyone is quiet except me cuz i'm laughing...loudly...all by myself...*breaking out into song* ALL MY MYSEEEELFFF....DON'T WANNA BEEEE.......... ok i'm done. but ya i love the ugly cheerio. i am just in a weird mood right now. I wish you were here with me to be in a weird mood...with me. HAHAHA. I seriously can't stop laughing. I feel so stupid. JILLIAN. I hope Cletus is feeling better today. *snicker* Love you, see you tonight.

pev said...

Who the duece is Cletus?

Just me said...

...I could tell you, but then I'd have to spear you with Apollus.
And Mollie, i'm quite glad I could bring joy and embarrassment into your life.

mollie baum said...

You said duece!!! haha steven!

Beckah said...

Yay! I was afraid for a minute there. I'm still so disappointed that we can't get Chinese food and watch the tennis players anymore. I'm jealous of Apollus. He's getting all your attention now. Ha! Do you remember the time we rocked back and forth on the tennis fence for like half an hour? What fun!

Liz said...

Jillian, you are seriously awesome. I think Cletus is in league with my friend Flo, because Flo is indispensible and also causing me pain. Fie. And I loved your joke. Both of them, actually. And I also love this picture of you. Rock the free world. All of you are my constant inspiration.

Cate said...

nice picture lol