Friday, March 24, 2006

Girls are like a piece of steaming hot pie with a big scoop of confusion on top

I dedicate this title to Raage Ismail Sofe. If you wish, you may insert "guy" in for girl. I know I do.

The track meet was...interesting? There were some high points and low points. The low points being me actually competing. Why did I ever think I could do Track? I'm horrific! Seriously! If I were Brogden, I would want to skewer myself with a Javelin, just to get rid of me.

The good news is we're going to state for choir. Turns out Baker didn't have enough music to qualify for time, so they were disqualified (I'm not so far into track to say DQed, thank you very much) and we took first. But since they're going down to Ontario to qualify, we really need to step it up and haul some trash to beat them at state.

I've come to a conclusion. High school can be very...weighing? Heavy? I'm sure you might understand what I'm saying. I've finally figured out the drama of who's talking about who, who annoys who, what people think of you, it's so...trivial. Momentary. High school will be over in a few months and most of the people and all of the drama will be gone. A sad thought, but enough to make you want to take advantage of the time you have left with friends.

And speaking of, Sara's over to watch a movie. Love you guys!



1 comment:

Liz said...

You've hit the high school nail square on the head. Congrats on making State! Good luck there! And I'm sure you can't be THAT bad at track...points to you for trying something new. And I love the title quote of this entry. Rock on.