Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fainting made my underwear unhappy - Rebekah Whittaker

Ah, finally the fun of the musical starts! I still don't feel the pressure and excitement of coming up on opening night though. I think it's because I don't feel much besides pain and tiredness right now.

Okay, as for the reasons I feel pain: my arm was hurting today for some reason and my hand was shaking; I then went to practice, threw a guy's shot and a disc and a guy's Javelin (I asked Coach Brogden if I could throw a guys Javelin because I throw it farther than the girls, and he said I'd have to have a sex-change, and as I doubt that would happen before the end of Track season, I'm stuck with Apollus, whom I love dearly though) then went to rehersal where I caught Beckah a gajillian times (ha, gajillian buehler...happiness!), then had to catch and let Sam down a gajillian more times, then I tripped on my blanket - wiping out all over the stage, got kneed in the chest by a rather bony-teenage boy *cough, Sam, cough* and then I got stuck between Sam's legs and was pinned to the floor. And the last one was possibly the scariest experiance of my life. You try being pinned between Sam's open legs as a mass of girls pile on top of him. Not nice, I assure you. I think the exact thoughts running through my head went something like this "okay, let him down...wait...why am I between his legs? Ah crap, this is going to hurt!!" and then I bent myself in half.

It was good times, I promise you.

But today I was incredibly bi-polar. Like, more so than usual. I think it comes from being really tired. Which I am. So I think I'll end this post and take a shower and go to bed. Ah...bed...

On a food note, have you guys ever had Wheat Thins with tuna and cream cheese? It's some good stuff I tell you. We had a massive food orgy before we had to go onstage, and it was wonderful.

And for all those that don't know, I'm going to state for solo. It's exciting, and I'm hoping to be able to pull my German peice together, because it really is a GORGEOUS peice.

Alright, getting off.




Beckah said...

Yay, I'm famous! Thanks for quoting me on that. And thank you for catching me. I know you could have gotten tired of it and decided not to. I'm glad I'm glad I'm not Jacobson! : )

Beckah said...

I didn't mean to repeat the "I'm glad" but I guess it gives emphasis. And I'm going to have bad dreams about Jacobson tonight! Ah!

Cate said...

good luck on ur state solo thingy my lil prodigy!