Saturday, April 30, 2005

You guys are Mormon, you're not supposed to memorize quotes like that!

You know, there's nothing quite like falling asleep while reading your scriptures. Honestly. It's so weird sometimes, because I'll be lying in bed studying and when I decide it's time to go to bed and I close my BoM or Bible it's like I feel...I don't know...weird? Like I want to keep on studying so badly but I know I need to go to bed. It's like when the scriptures are open you're so much closer to Heavenly Father and you can practically imagine him being right there with you. Then when you close it you can almost feel a bit of the spirit disapear. It's really weird. But it was awesome last night. I got ready for bed, said my prayers and then began reading. I was reading about charity and in the topical guide in the Bible that also includes a lot of verses on love. It helped me a lot. But then after like, twenty minutes or something I fell asleep with my scriptures open and that wonderful feeling you have whenever you're reading was still there. It was so...I don't know, I don't think I can describe it.

Then my dad charges into my room this morning (well, afternoon I guess) and yells at me to get up and do poop patrol in the jungle we call our side-yard. The grass seriously has to be like, a foot and a half tall right now. Well, not anymore, since my dad weed-wacked some of it today. But you want to know the part that bites? It was Jessy's day to pick up poop but because she wanted to go to Troutdale at 7:00 this morning with Kayleen I got stuck doing it. AND cleaning the bathroom. But that wasn't that bad.

Anyway, here's my good luck list for today. Good luck with tennis today Steven, good luck with track Raage, and good luck playing today Bern, teach those west coasters what Eastern Oregonians are made out of!

You know, I'm going to feel like a complete freak if I'm spelling Bern's name wrong. Oh well, I don't think he has the link to my blog. But hey, DANIEL HARRIS! What happened with the election? Do I need to sing Hail to the Chief everytime I see you? Or should it be Hail to the Secretary or something cool like that? You must tell.

Anyway, I think I'm going to call Maegan and see if she wants to go dink around on the tennis courts again. Much love all!

-Jillian out

Ha, I'm talking to my favorite almost sixteen year old Christensen boy from Fruitland! I haven't talked to him in like, four months. I'm so happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for wishing me luck didn't...and I placed 4th..just in case you wanted to know..I would be jumping up and down, but I jkust got home after like 7 hours in a car, so I'm a little tired right now...I'm pretty upset you didn't wish me well.....
: )