Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I love you like a fat boy loves chocolate cake!

so, okay, today's been interesting. Just when I think everything's fine and dandy something pops up that totally throws it all off and I just feel icky again. And I know it's my fault I just wish I knew how to remedy it or that I knew what was wrong.

Anyway, I just had some Dove chocolate and it gave me some harsh heartburn. Dude, I was driving to Subway tonight and I was behind this woman who - I swear - was on crack. she's in a thirty-five and she's driving fifteen. In a twenty-five she excelerates to twenty. Then in the twenty, she starts going twenty-five! And then FINALLY when we get to the twenty-five she's going the right speed! HALELUJAH! Only took her four speed zones. *rolls eyes* I hate stupid people. Seriously, it's one of the only trait's in the world that will really tick me off. That and fake people. And liars. But liars and fake people manage to go together. Anyway, those people tick me off. You should see me when I come in contact with a stupid fake person. It's not pretty, I'll tell you that.

I've decided that the reason my dreams are so weird is because I'm lacking adventure in my life and my sub-conscious tries to fill my desire for thrill through my dreams. Gol, my life is boring! I just wish something exciting would happen to me! I'm tired of trying to make things fun and interesting for everyone - including myself. Sometimes I wish life was like a movie. A musical movie. Where everyone would burst into song. That would be sweet! And all the duets would end in "ooh" vowels, and everyone would have one. A duet I mean. And we'd have really random costume changes and everything would be COOL! I don't know what the conflict would be. There's usually very little plot in musicals. Though they're always a villian and the girl is always choosing between more than one guy. And everything ends with everyone TRULY happy. Though now that I think about it they do end the movies at bad times - you never know what happens after the couple kisses. Do they get married? Do they break up? Do they make a mutual decision to see other people? If they do get married do they divorce later? Do they have kids? If so, are they cute kids who are musically talented? Do they stay together forever and sing loving duets for all eternity until one of them dies and the other dies within the same month because they can't bear to be apart from each other?

As you can see, I can - and will - analyze the crap out of anything.

Anyway, I should go and finish up my A.P. homework. Ugh. I need a car bash.

-Jillian Out

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