Monday, April 25, 2005

and the lightbulb came on...

It's so awesome. I was thinking today, and I realized something. I know Heavenly Father always has a reason for doing things, and up until today I didn't have any idea of why he was putting me through this past week. I wasn't looking at the big picture. I didn't realize that "what he was putting me through" included all the time since January and even the last part of December. Mostly it all came to a head this past week but he was trying to teach me - as Heavenly Father always does.

As I sit back and look at things I realize the reason(s) why I was friends with Beckah. She needed Steven when she did and while I was looking at the strange chain of events that led up to our group becoming a group I realized that if I wasn't friends with Beckah she most likely wouldn't have found him at that time.

Funny how where you're sitting at a basketball game and who you have classes with and who you invite to a party have such a profound effect on things.

I do realize they would have been friends eventually, just as Maegan and I would have become fairly tight eventually. But who knows how long it would have taken if these things hadn't happened?

Also, Heavenly Father was trying to teach me something that I've been having problems with for almost 2 years now. It's alright if you don't like someone. You still have to love them as Christ would, but you don't necessarily have to like them. So much would have been easier if Steven and I would have just looked at each other and been like "okay, so I don't really like this person...aight" and moved on. Granted, trying to make ourselves like each other was only one of the first mistakes of many - at least on my part - but it was probably the first step.

Also through this experiance I've learned just how amazingly valuable my family is. I've never been one to talk about emotions (as most of you probably know) and my family was no exception. My parents literally had no idea what was going on with my life, but they trusted me I wasn't doing anything too illegal or stupid (actually, I think they just knew my veins were too small for me to be a drug user(-;). But through this I've finally been able to feel comfortable talking to them and letting them know what's going on. It's also helped me learn where I get certain tendency's from (hint: my mom loves doing innocent but illegal things, such as shoving ten people into a car that seats 5 - even when 6 of the ten happen to be the children of the bishopric) and to learn things about myself I probably didn't want to know but now that I do it makes me feel better.

I realize this probably doesn't make sense to any of you that are bored enough to read this, and I'm sorry if I'm freaking some people out by actually being serious for a change. I'll try not to make it a habit;)

Alright, I'm tired, and I should still do some A.P. homework so I'm not totally overwhelmed tomorrow!

-Jillian Out

1 comment:

Beckah said...

Thank you.