Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ode to my body

Dear body,

Thank you so much for being amazing, even after I'm so mean to you. I don't take you out for walks and runs as often as I should, I don't stretch you often enough, don't give you enough water, and stuff far too much sugar inside of you. Thank you for sticking through it all. I promise to do better in the future and treat you like the gift you are.



Mrs. Romriell said...

Amen...that should go on a magnet...or a billboard...or the creed for all womankind...or mankind, I love it and empathize with each does my poor sugar high, stiff and fat body...goals to be better are wonderful things.

Jessica Waite said...

you forgot about sleep. It's not just your mind that needs it. Love ya girl! see you soon.