Monday, April 03, 2006

If we lived in the future, then we'd be in the past right now - Spring Break trip to Salt Lake Trip, 2006

Celebrate the 100th post!

It's official, I am a blogging nerd.

Anyway, in honor of my 100th post, I am including two incredibly awesome pictures that make me happy. The first one makes me happy, because I find Raage's fingers and hands insanely fascinating. Or at least I did this weekend. I don't know if I'll find them quite as entertaining once I start getting a normal amount of sleep, but as I don't fit into that category right now, I still like the picture. Though I'd probably still like the picture anyway, even if my obsession with his opposable appendages fades.

The second one makes me happy because it proves black is just a color. You can be pasty white and lay the rap-smack down too. Especially when using a cheesey fifties show-tune. Actually, I think that fact makes it all the cooler.

Anyway, to the real point of my post. This weekend was amazing. Words honestly cannot describe how wonderful it was. I'll admit I was slightly worried when the trip started that there would be some awkwardness or something - I have no idea why I thought that, perhaps I was on crack - but it turned out wonderfully. I wish I could have stayed down there for another week, especially since the weather had just turned warm and wonderful, and I really hated that we had to leave. I'll have so many memories of that place now, especially of it at night. I just wish that we never had to sleep! Though I regret the fact that we stayed up as late as we did now. But to why this trip was so amazing...I don't think I can adequately describe it. But it was just a growing experiance, growing closer to people and closer to Christ and Heavenly Father and closer to yourself in a way.

All I'm going to say is I hope this feeling never fades. I'm happier now than I have been in a while and I'm not even eating chocolate.

Saturday had to be my favorite day, even though all of them were awesome (Friday was a close second, and might've taken first if it weren't for the fact that I was slightly loopy from lack of Z's...and it wasn't conference, but we still did Baptisms in the Salt Lake Temple then, even if we did have to wait around for an hour or so for Nick and Troy. But even that was worth it to see Raage's face when he saw Temple Square at night. That still makes me smile. Anyway, back to Saturday...) Saturday we - meaning me and Raage - ended up listening to the first session in the lobby of the Legacy Theater in the Joseph Smith Memorial Buildling where we had seen Joseph the Revelator that day before, while Nick and Troy waited in the Stand-by line so we could all get in for the Saturday afternoon session since we missed the morning session by about 30 people.

Unfortunately for Troy and Nick, they left, leaving me and Raage - both who didn't know the whole "stand-by line rules" or something - in their stead holding the places.

To make a long story short, Raage and I ended up in the session and Nick and Troy ended up back at Troy's grandma's eating homemade chicken noodle soup and watching conference on T.V. The talks were amazing and the spirit was too...even when I was still shivering from the cold. But I have to confess the lack of sleep sort of caught up with me there and I zonked for a while. Only during the first talk and a half, until Raage nudged me and told me to take notes to stay awake, which turned to be a good strategy.

Anyway, after that awesome experiance, I headed back to the apartment to eat while the guys waited in line to get into the Priesthood session. I told them I'd meet them afterwards by the reflection pool, and I did that, after playing a rousing game of Scrabble with Troy's grandma. Actually, it was really fun, but it wasn't rousing, as I took an hour or so nap. They took a while to get out there though, which was fine because I needed to talk to Jennifer on the tape so I could send it off.

...And I'm getting really off topic, so I'll finish really quickly. We had decided we wanted to take pictures of temple square at night, but Nick and Troy petered out on us because Troy wanted to visit his cousin and Nick wanted to go with him. So Raage and I walked around Temple Square talking and taking pictures. And might I say that that place is so gorgeous at night? Like, I've been there before, but I guess I wasn't old enough to realize how amazing and awe-inspiring it was. I just hope the pictures turn out.

Sunday was almost as wonderful, what with conference and walking barefooted and lying in the grass waiting to go in and that one random lady taking a picture of me. And we can't forget that one guy who thought I was Latino and Raage was Brazilian.

But overall, the experiance was so spiritually fulfilling. It makes me want to go to conference all the time. Or go to an LDS boarding school. But mostly have conference all the time. Though I think that might dull the wonderfulness of it eventually.

And I just realized this is a ridiculously long post and that I'm insanely hungry. So I'm going to get off and go cook myself some dinner. You know, I don't think I've seen my dad since Thursday morning. And by Thursday, I mean the Thursday after school let-out. Sad huh? Right now they're all at rehersal...and I mean all at rehersal. Nick, Mom, Dad, Jessy, everyone. It's probably going to be like that a lot. I'll just cook myself dinner and start in on my bio homework.

I hope you all had amazingly wonderful Spring Breaks and are happy and grateful that we live in such a wonderful world, despite the mundaneness of it. Just keep remembering to look for the little things, like chocolate cake and trail mix! I love you all!




Beckah said...

*said in a creepy, Gollum-like whisper* trail mix....trail mix.....Anyway, I TOTALLY posted that picture before you did, except for the fact that I didn't finish and so wasn't able to post it yet. Oh well. I'm glad that you had so much fun. I think it should. You glow a lot more (you always have) now that you're back. Anyway, yeah, I have chocolate cake for you! Whoo hoo! Yay for Canada and Somalians! (Somehow the two connected in my head) Love ya!

mollie baum said...

we are the hottest white-black women i know. I need to post that pic on my blog now so that all three of us have it! i'm in choir right now!!! hahahaha logan is reading over my shoulder. its weird. i'm gonna go now. love you. bye.

pev said...

Ah. I love that picture. Bunch of freaks ... :)

pev said...

V-Dub! German engineering!

mollie baum said...

you should love that picture...we are so hot.

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