Sunday, January 01, 2006

We're not human beings have a spiritual experiance, we are spiritual beings have a human experiance

I think winter makes people melancholy.

Today was a strange day. I woke up feeling completely grouchy and angry. There was no reason for this. Last night was enjoyable, as was most of the day, but the joy of New Years Even didn't seem to run into the morn of New Years Day. I hope this isn't a forecast for the rest of this year.

Anyway, I went to church and flew on "Good Girl Auto-Pilot", something I've been using lately. But then we had Young Women's. It was honestly an answer to a prayer. And I just had this thought I had to share, because it makes all the difference to me, and if I manage to apply it in my life I know I'll be happier and a better person. After the lesson started this idea hit me so hard that it almost knocked the breath out of me:

If I spent half as much time working on and thinking and worrying about my relationship with Heavenly Father and Christ as I did dwelling on my relationships with friends, my life would be better and easier, less confusing and dramatic, more liberating and joyous. Happier.

More specifically, I wouldn't be plauged by the inadequacies that I've been feeling lately, I would be more open to the promptings of the spirit. I wouldn't worry about what others thought of me and I wouldn't let those thoughts affect my choices. And - the thing that seemed to bolster me the most - I wouldn't need to worry about what others thought, because if I focused on Christ I would be on the path Heavenly Father has planned for me. If that meant the people I was trying to please wouldn't accept me because I stop paying as much attention to them it wouldn't matter because then it wouldn't be part of Heavenly Fathers plan. I don't know if I'm explaining this right, but I hope you get my meaning.

So, for all of you having a hard time, and those that will go through hard times and have gone through hard times (I'm fairly certain that includes all of us, every single person in this world), just remember this and hopefully it'll help.

Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:63)


isha said...


Liz said...

Amen, sister. Thank you for sharing that, Jill. You rock.

Beckah said...

Thanks, Jill. I didn't even THINK of that. You're cool, and stay that way.

Cate said...

YAY MORMONS!!!!!!!!!