Friday, June 29, 2007

Ten Top 10, as written in May 2007

10 Things I’d Rather Do Than Homework
1) Talk on the phone
2) Sleep
3) Eat food
4) Go for a walk
5) Hang out with friends
6) Lay in the grass
7) Frolic in a field
8) Clean my room
9) Do nothing
10) Play outside

9 Things That Represent Happiness
1) Chocolate
2) Scriptures
3) Hugs from good smelling guys
4) Realizing that everything happens for a reason, no matter how much it sucks
5) Heavenly Fathers wonderfulness
6) Christ’s mercy
7)Falling asleep on someone’s chest and feeling them breathe
8) Sun-shining on a calm, 65 degree afternoon
9) Learning

8 Things That Have Happened in the Past Months that Prove I’m a Klutz
1) A sprained ankle…three times
2) Mysterious bumps on the top of my shins that look kinda like inflamed shin splints
3) A scabbed up knee
4) A broken tailbone
5) A softball bruise on the front of my thigh
6) Falling off a platform - twice
7) Clipping my heel and almost biffing it during a performance
8) A burn-scar on my right-arm

7 Things that Prove I’m Fairly Random
1) I entertain myself by pondering Spanish grammar
2) I find triplets in rap music
3) I just realized the number of items on this list could be written 10! or 10 permutation.
4) I am well-known for my interpretive dance skills
5) I do cartwheels in hallways
6) I walk outside at midnight
7) I love leaving little notes on peoples cars letting them know they’re loved
6 Things I do to Entertain Myself at 6 in the Morning When I'm Making Dough
1) Moonwalk
2) Sing obnoxiously
3) Drink chocolate milk
4) Play slip-and-slide on the floor
5) Draw faces in the flour
6) Complain about other people cleaning - or not cleaning - the dough room

5 Reasons the Quarter System Sucks
1) There are only three of them in a full year. In what math class do three quarters equal a whole?
2) You can't transfer outside of Oregon without lots of trouble
3) You have finals and midterms to look forward to 3 separate times
4) You have longer classes more often
5) Learn less per credit than a semester college

4 Times La Grande Weather Sucks
1) Spring
2) Summer
3) Fall
4) Winter

3 Reasons I Hate Being on Birth Control
1) Because it makes me moody
2) Because I don't need it to protect against pregnancy since you kind of have to be having sex in order to get pregnant
3) Because it's making me fatter than usual - seriously, I'm like the Hindenburg...

2 Reasons Why I Like Spanish
1) It makes obvious sense grammatically
2) It's fun to say things like "tus ojos son azules" and make people think you're insulting or coming onto them

1 Reason I Wrote This List
1) Because I'm bored in my U.S. History class

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