Sunday, July 08, 2007

Name: Jillian Wheeler. Except I'm looking for ways to make it sound more foreign...suggestions anyone?

Nicknames: Oh heavens, here we go. Jill, Pill, Pillian, The Fillian, Jilly Bean, Bobe, Bobo, Bobolina, bobolanie, bobolicious, many other variations on the same theme.

Birthplace: East Lansing, Michigan, suckas. I grew up in the hood.

Current Location: Jackson Hole, Wyoming (to be pronounced with a very obvious country accent)

Hair Color: Brown...boring...

Eye Color: Brown...with slight bits of green, so a little less boring

Height: 5'4" and proud of every inch

Tatoos?: Fetch no.

Piercings?: Earings, though they're not used much.

Overused Phrase: Huh?

Bedtime: It's been getting progressively later. Now it's around 2:30, 3 o'clock-ish

Best Physical Feature: teeth are pretty nice. For $3,000 and three years of metal in my mouth they had better be.

Most Embarassing Moment: Too many to choose from, though they usually end up funny since they tend to invovle the hurting of my body in some way.

Most Missed Memory: Anything that has to do with the end of Senior year, before all my friends went away.

First Thought When You Wake Up: Well crap, what time is it?!

Weakness: Good smelling guys

Best Friends: Jeff, Beckah, Mollie, Katelyn

Goal For The Year: Psh, I'm not even thinking of the year. I'm just trying to make it through this summer.

Water or Milk...: That's just mean.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Hot cocoa all the way. It's my alcohol...

Hugs or Kisses...: Hugs. They make everything better. But so does a well-timed kiss. Either way I want to cuddle right now.

Cats or Dogs...: Dogs. Cats suck. Though at this point I'm so deprived of animal love that I would take anything

Summer or Winter...: Summer if there's water nearby, but winter during for those wonderful sledding excursions down the 8th street hill.

Love or Money...: As of right now I have neither, so I'd take either.

Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: Ick, none of the above. Eating grapes makes me think of eating eyeballs. Blame it on going through too many church haunted houses when I was younger.

Perferred Eye Color: It depends. All eye colors have their nice qualities.

Perferred Hair Color: Again, depends. Usually I'm too short to really notice hair at all. Just as long as it's soft and fun to play with. Yay for fro's.

Short Hair or Long Hair...:Well, as it's a guy, definitely defined as short.

Perferred Height: I am yet to like a guy over 6 foot.

Perferred Weight: I dunno, I like my guys a little chunkier. Skinny guys just aren't as fun to cuddle with.

Looks or Personality...: Personality, because I could find a fairly ugly guy attractive if his personality was good enough.

Hot or Cute...: Both. At different times.

Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: Muscular. I would be really impressed to find a guy who had better calves than I did.

Food: Right now I eat mostly cereal and whatever I can scrounge up that doesn't cost a lot of money. But what I wouldn't give for a peice of meat and some fried potatoes...Type of

Music: Anything but country and rap. And musicals. Holy pooh, I live and breathe them, I don't need to listen to them in the car or while relaxing.

Candy: Just chocolate. Perhaps with toffee and almonds.

Color: Aqua blue.

Animal: My puppy Jinx. Or possibly Dax, since Jinx is a few hundred miles away.

Drink: All I drink now is water. What can I say, I'm super cheap!

Body Part on the Opposite Sex: eyes, smile, hands, in that order

Movie: I'm oddly obsessed with Walk the Line right now.

Have you ever:
Drank?: on accident...oh China...Smoked?: Heck no.

Skinny Dipped?: Practically

Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: Nope...that would just be awkward

Toliet Papered Someones House?: Sadly, no. Cars, oh yeah, many a times, but never a house

Played Poker W/ Money?: No...we used to gamble with Easter Candy while playing Uno. Yeah, I know, we're hardcore.

Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: Uh, yeah. Is that supposed to be a big deal?

Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: Yup.

Went Camping?: Not recently. I'm working on it though.

Used The Restroom On A Tree?: Not on the tree, no

Had A Crush On Your Friend's Sibling?: Nope. It takes a lot for me to have a crush on someone.

Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: Whenever I can. God is in the rain.

Danced In The Rain?: Ah, Senior year...

Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: Yup, story of my life. I've gotten to the point where I just say them in my head and laugh to myself.

Been On Stage?: Unforunately. About 4 hours ago actually.

Been To A Nude Beach?: Almost...

Cursed In Church?: Nope, but I've said sex a lot which a lot of people think is a swear word. Weirdos.

Been In Love?: I don't know. I used to think so, but now I'm not too sure.

Made Out In A Car?: Not in it, no...on it maybe...

Cried During A Movie?: Psh, I was born without tear ducts, that was just dust in my eye...

Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: Story of my life.

Made Love On The Beach?: Yes, because there are so many beaches in La Grande *rolls eyes*

Shoplifted: Heck no...I have such a guilty conscience...

Hung Up On Someone?: Heck yes, many a time. Thanks Raage, for helping me achieve this...

Stalked Someone?: No...I just followed them around and memorized their schedule so I could happen to show up wherever they were...and I watched them sleep a few times. But that's just being a teenager...right?

Had A Stalker?: I don't want to talk about it.

Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: No, I do pranks of love.

Screamed In A Library?: Yup. Been kicked out of one too. Oddly, they were two different experiences

Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: All the time.

Talked To A Complete Stranger?: "We come from the Playmill, there's great shows at the Playmill!..."

Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: About a week ago, actually.

Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: Yup...You don't want to mess with me.

Wore Something You Hated?: Ah, costumes

Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: Yeah...

Been Out of The Country?: Yeah...quite a bit, surprisingly.

Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: Ha, of course, I live in La Grande. What do you think people do on Friday nights?

Been Strip Searched?: Practically. If I have to go through airport security to get to Heaven, I might just passBeen On A Plane?: Yeah, too many...

Been Pantsed In Public?: Heh, I haven't been, but man, I've spread the love that way many a time.

Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: Yup. And then it was lost in the seats. I threw a bagel at someone that day too. Good times.

Broke Someone's Heart?: I highly doubt it.

Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: Every Day.

Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: Welcome to the dressing rooms at the Playmill Jackson theatre.

Been In Detention?: Yup. For talking. Surprise, surprise.

Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: Psh, I'm not that coy. I'll just be like "hey, I want to cuddle." It usually works.

Random Questions:
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: Of course

Country You Wanna Visit: Just one?

Way You Wanna Die: Um...can't I just be translated? I don't care, as long as it's not painful.Like Thunderstorms?: Uh, duh, of course!

Think you're attractive?: Nope, and I'm glad I'm not. I don't have enough self-control to be attractive.

Want to Get Married?: Eventually

Want to Go To College?: Yeah...I would actually love to stay in college my entire life.

Shower Daily?: Depends on what show we're doing/we've done.

Want Kids?: Sure, as long as I can riase them until they're 8 then give them to someone else for 10 years and then I'll take 'em back.

When Do You Want to Lose Your Virginity?: Never. It'll hurt.

Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: Yeah...wanna date me?

Do You Think You Can Sing?: Anyone can sing. Whether they SHOULD or not is the question

Can You Walk In High Heels?: Actually, yes, I can do more things in heels than I can in flats. Such as run.

Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: I can.

Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: Nope, I'm a wuss

Can You Multitask?: Yes, I am a girl after all.

What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: I don't do smelly stuff. I'm too forgetful to put it on.

What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: Whatever is in the shower.

What's Your Favorite Scent?: Fierce, from Abercrombie and Jake, from Hollister. Yeah, they're guys cologne. They make me happy because they remind me of people I love.

Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: Only if I'm surrounded by people I like. So sure, why not?

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