Thursday, June 22, 2006

Love is a fable, just a childs fairytale

I don't actually agree with that quote, but it's from a gorgeous song in a gorgeous musical. But I do think it has a point. The love that's in childrens fairytale's isn't what real love is. Now granted, I'm not pretending to be an expert on love. I am only 18 and all, but from my own observations and experiences, I don't think love is the whole "love at first sight" passionate Chick-Flick like love. I think real love is patient and kind and understanding. Sometimes it can be passionate. I think love is when you see two old people walking down the street holding hands. No prince will rescue you from your tower. A guy most likely won't serenade you from your window. And if you're waiting for some miscellaneous person to travel across the country to meet you just because they've heard you talk on the radio, it probably won't happen.

Anyway, now that I'm done with that downer.

Mollie's leaving tomorrow for Mexico. *sob*. It was funny, I was over at Raage's on Tuesday night and Nur was running around getting ready for a sleepover and I was like "wow, I haven't had a good sleepover for like, four or five weeks." and I start planning a sleepover...and realize that most of my girlfriends aren't here anymore. I still have Isha here though. Yay for Isha!

I think me and Jeff and Raage might go see "The Lake House" either tonight or tomorrow. Though me and Jeff have to work tomorrow. Oh, which reminds me. Everyone! I have an announcement *clears throat* Jeff and I are the newest employees at Bear Mountain Pizza! Hurrah!!!!

What else has been going on that's of interest? Jennifer and Nick are getting married, though it's not official yet. They're looking at the first and last weeks in August. I hope it's the first week, but that's for secret reasons of my own.

I'm thinking I should probably get off and go and pull weeds for an hour before I have to go to rehersal. Though now that I look at it, I won't be able to put in an hour before I have to leave, so I might not...especially since my head sort of hurts. No, I need to. I have an obligation and responsibility. Besides, it's sort of fun. :)

I hope all you people that ditched us last week had an awesome time at EFY! We should get together and go to the drive-in sometime...though really, nothing really good is ever there. *sigh* It sucks having good taste in movies!

Love you all! If you guys ever get the urge to do anything, don't hesitate to call!



1 comment:

isha said...

yay for me!
but I'm leaving on monday..but at least I'll only be gone like a week and a half...and thanks jill, that made me feel special...

we should still have a sleepover...we could get stuffed-animals..and tape beckah and mollie and darcy's and whoeverelses' face on them..and PRETEND they were