Monday, May 15, 2006

Did I say that outloud? My bad...

So, life lesson learned today. Don't fry bacon without any clothes on. Don't ask how I know this. Just trust me, it will hurt.

Ah, the memories that I'm going to be taking away from this year! There are so many! Mostly good ones actually. Like, quite heavy on the good side.

Actually, I was really thinking about it today. I have been so blessed. I mean, yeah, I have crappy days and things aren't perfect, but really? I have it pretty good. I have amazing friends and each day I'm learning and growing. It's funny, for the past few years it seems like I go in this cycle. I'll have such a crappy stretch of time where I'll turn to Heavenly Father for help. Then he'll help and everything will be beautiful. Then, sometime during the beautiful stage, I'll be like "wow, I have an amazing life. Cool beans." And the next day something REALLY bad would happen that would start the cycle all over again. I think it was Heavenly Father's way of going "are you going to thank me for having a good life? No? Okay, let's start again..." I think I've become a little better at giving thanks, though I know I'm no where as good as I should be, because I've been going on a "good stretch" for ...probably three or four months. Since my birthday, at least. Again, I have a few days that are bad, but I haven't fallen into any of the depressions that lasted more than a few days in a long while.

I have an amazing life. I'm so grateful for warm nights that make me feel alive. I'm glad I'm able to go to EOU and hang out with Mollie Pants and Jeffrey Jacket and that I was able to hang out with Beckah. I'm glad I have the entire summer to hang out with Raage and that I'm able to have such an amazing friend. I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve it. My sister is coming home in 24 DAYS!!!!! And speaking of, I have a cool family too.

I'm conveinantly forgetting to add that I have a Bio Final tomorrow and that I might have possibly bombed another Calculus test today, not to mention that I still have to do dishes and I've only recieved 10 hours of sleep the past two days. Because really, those things are all my fault for procrastination and such. Except for the sleep thing. Jennifer called 6:30 Sunday morning. Oh, and weird fact. Raage knew when she would call before I did. What's up with that? Actually, it's because my mom saw his mom and they chatted. I can't help but feel that's a bad thing, my mom and his mom chatting. At least for a little while while embarrassing information could be exchanged. Oh, and one more bad fact. I ripped the bumper off of an old woman's car. Yup, I'm amazing. So now I can't get married for three years, unless I want to triple my insurance payment. Ha, I guess we'll see how much I'm worth to the guy, eh?

Okay, enough procrastinating. I did a little studying during Urinetown rehersal (note, little) but I should probably get a little more done so I can fail the test with a halfway decent grade.

I love you all!



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