Sunday, March 27, 2011

Obligatory witty title of blog

I have 10 papers left to grade. Holy. Poo. I cannot wait until this assignment is over. 5 page research papers are no bueno to write, let alone grade. Actually, especially to grade. I'd write this paper 10 times over if it meant I didn't have to grade it.

That being said, here is a brief overview of my last, oh, 2.5 weeks:

3 midterms
2 papers
40 5-page papers to grade
40 1-page papers to grade
My car breaking down - twice
$350 to fix said car
Being stranded in West Jordan without said car
Having to drive up to Salt Lake (twice) specifically to check out books for a 12 page paper

I think those are the main highlights. Of course, there was yesterday which I'm pretty sure made up for all the crappiness that had been going on. We went to the festival of colors and had a fantastic time, after which we had a nap, an amazing 2.5 hour walk, and then the most wonderful Indian food at Bombay House. We then had mediocre (sorry, they really weren't that good) desserts from a local Italian place that shall not be named as it's traitorous for us to go to any place other than Macaroni Grill while watching a great documentary - Waiting for Superman. This was especially pertinent to me as I'm planning on going into eduction. However, I feel all people with a stake in public education should watch it. So really, everyone should watch it :)

Alright, I'm going to go get my clothes out of the washer and into the dryer and then hopefully tackle these last 10 papers. Hope everyone's having a great sabbath!



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