Thursday, February 03, 2011

A habit you wish you didn't have

This is a hard one for me. At first I couldn't think of a habit I wish I didn't have because to me a habit is chewing your nails or picking wedgies in public or an awkward face twitch. And while I do have some odd habits I wouldn't say I wish I didn't have them.

However, there are some very serious traits I wish I didn't have. For instance, I have this really bad...I'll use the word habit here...of getting lost inside my own head, especially when I have a lot to do. I get really caught up in my never ending to-do list or thinking about some of the problems in my life or how tired and/or unfulfilled I am. And what's funny is none of these are really legitimate problems. I almost create the problem in my own mind and then get tangled up in it to the point I'm paralyzed and unproductive.

I feel like it's obvious as to why I wish I didn't have this habit and therefore this post needs no more expounding. However, I will state that I'm currently attempting to overcome this flaw, though with varied success.

I'll be back tomorrow!


1 comment:

Liz said...

I know what you mean. You articulated that habit very's so easy to think catastrophically. We really do spin our own webs and then get stuck in 'em. I'm with you on trying to break that one.