Monday, February 07, 2011

Days 6, 7, and 8

This weekend sort of got away from me. I spent Friday night up in Salt Lake and spent all Saturday having fun with the boyfriend going to the symphony, watching movies, and playing at the DI and Toys 'R Us. I can't imagine anyone else I'd be able to do such a diverse amount of things with where we both truly enjoy them, and not just because we're doing them with each other. Though that always seems to make it better.

But, because of that, I'm a little behind on this blogging thing, so here we go:

Day 6: Favorite superhero and why

I think my favorite superhero has to be Batman. Because while Superman and Spiderman and all the other superheroes are cool (okay, Spiderman not so much) Batman is awesome because he's a real person. Like, actually human. He wasn't genetically modified or imported from some other planet. He was a man who felt the need to change things and had the resources to do so. Which makes him awesome.

Day 7: A picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you:

These are some of my favorite people in the whole wide world. I put this picture because of what the life changing experience this picture represents as well. These are my Jackson girls. We spent one amazing, tumultuous, life-altering summer together and have managed to keep in touch and stay friends in the years following. They are the ones I know I can call whenever I need anything who, no matter how busy we are, will always be there no matter how long it's been since we've talked or seen each other. They are all amazing, beautiful, talented, driven, intelligent, loving women who have blessed my life in so so so many ways.

This one is more obvious. No matter how things turn out with this kid, he has done a lot to shape my life during a very influential period. He makes me think about and experience things that I never would have otherwise. Plus he's wonderful and makes me laugh like no one else. He makes me want to be a better person while taking me the way I am.

Day 8: Short term goals for this month and why

Okay, this is hard because I really want to turn this into a to-do list, but I will refrain, because no one wants to see that. So this is what I hope to accomplish by the beginning of March - so in 28 days:

Survive Midterms - meaning don't get anything below an 83%
Keep up with my TA work:
Keep up with other readings
Start running again
Not fall behind in assignments

So yes, those seem very general, but that's about as far ahead I can think right now.

Alrighty, I have succeeded in making this up to date! Gold Star!!



1 comment:

Danicald88 said...

Weed, I love you so much and I miss you like crazy but I agree with everything you said in this post. We really will be there for each other forever, no matter what. You are amazing and I'm so grateful that we are friends. You rally did change my life.
