Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snapshot of my life

Alrighty folks, I've gotta make this fast as I've got to be out of here and coding in fifteen minutes.

This is a week in my life:

I am taking 16 credits.

I'm working roughly 40 hours a week: 9 at a TA job, 11 at a job coding research, and somewhere around 20 at the Macaroni Grill.

I am in class on MWF from 8-11 and then 12-3. On TTh I have class from 9-10 and a class I'm TA-ing for from 1:30-3

I spend 5 and a half hours a week in an office waiting for students to come to see me while doing homework and writing quizzes to pass the time.

I wake up between 6:30 and 7 every morning and shoot for going to bed around midnight. I usually fail at this and turn in closer to 1, giving me somewhere between 6 and 7 hours of sleep a night.

I try to go running for a half hour two to three times a week.

I'm dating a kid who lives 45 minutes away and has been a complete gem during all this, driving down to see me more often than I drive up to see him. We've been making it about every other day, which I feel is amazing, considering the circumstances. A considerable amount of time is also spent talking to him throughout the day. It keeps me sane.

I spend roughly 11 hours a week pouring over government documents referring to practices about women and picking out facts and trying to fit them into one or more of the 300 some odd variables that we're supposed to be chronicling.

I find myself zoning out in class thinking about all the other things I need to accomplish.

I have my first test on Monday. It's in Geology.

I'm currently saving to go teach English in Costa Rica this summer.

I've begun looking at graduate schools and am feeling really, really intimidated at the prospect of applying.

Scholarship applications are due in a few weeks and I haven't started them yet.

I get to apply for Washington Seminar in less than 3 months! This is another thing I zone out over - thinking about the possible internship opportunites.

I'm already behind in my homework and we're only halfway through the 3 week. I think I have some catch-up to do.

I won't be able to do much of it this weekend as I'll be hanging out with my family or working, because Jess and the babes are down for the weekend!

And I managed to spew all of that out in less than 10 minutes. Which is why I win.




Liz said...

Any time I've attempted this much, I've either flunked out or gotten mono. I commend you. You're a champion.

Melissa Smith said...

Oh. My. GOSH. Were we twins in a parellel universe? This sounds...identical to my life. not the specific activities but the lack of time. Ah we should talk more often. seriously, its amazing. Love you, you can do it!