Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Does not play well with others

I've realized I'm a front row person. I prefer to sit in the front row of classes. I'm not sure if this is my need for attention from authority figures or if it's because I feel like I'll be less likely to text, surf the net, and sleep.

But you know what's annoying? Religion classes. Because it puts me with the elementary education majors and the marriage and family science majors who just giggle, so lovingly at fully at every little titter the professor says, like their laughter is freaking wind chimes, floating through the classroom.

I hate those people. There's one about two chairs down and she's just glowing with enthusiasm for this class and this professor and her life and everyone in this class. I want to punch her in the face. She's almost as annoying as the awkward kid sitting next to me earlier who laughed by inhaling, which resulted in him sounding like a complete ass (in the biblical way, of course. I am in New Testament after all).

I don't think it would be half as annoying if I didn't get the distinct impression that her wide-eyed sweet disposition is completely false. And I know what you're thinking, "Jillian, why are you labeling her this way?" and the answer is very simple. She was completely passive aggressive with the seating. I had my bag on a seat next to me, so she sat on the other side of my bag and a few minutes later one of her friends came in. Instead of being like "Hey, is it okay if you move your bag so my friend can sit here?" She made some offhanded comment to her friend (who had already found a chair a row behind her, so they were still able to talk and flirt or whatever the heck they were doing) about how she wished he could sit next to her, and then when another person comes by and asks me to move my bag - which I do - she makes another passive aggressive comment to the extent of "wow...I wish that had happened for you so you didn't have to sit so far away."

And now she's volunteering to pray and read all the scriptures out loud. And giggling obnoxiously. I mean, really?

I do not play well with others.


Liz said...

The beam that's in your eye is the same mote that's in mine.

Critter said...

Jillian, why are you labeling her this way?

Critter said...
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