Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Junior year, take 3

Sometimes I wonder how I lucked out in life. Honestly, I have a good job, a good family, good friends, a car that works ($700 later...) and the opportunity to go to school and further my education in a way that will enrich my life and the lives of those around me. I have (more than) enough food to keep me full, shoes for any occasion, and at least one amazing pair of ridiculously comfortable pants that I come home to every evening. I wake up to an e-mail from my best friend each morning and fall asleep each night with the best stuffed animal ever.

I am also currently eating an incredibly scrumptious turkey sandwich.

Could life get any better? Of course it could. But that doesn't mean that the here and now is all that bad, either.




Stanley Langford Lloyd said...

I love this post so much! And you have all those things because you are freaking amazing! That's all there is to it my dear.

Papa said...

Just when i\I think I can't love you anymore than I do, you amaze me with your wisdom and maturity. i mean all wise and mature adults know that the key to a happy life is a "scrumptious turkey sandwich". Love you, Bobo!!!!!