Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm going back to Jackson!

I never realized what a tender spot Jackson held in my heart until this summer.  West isn't a bad place, I just don't know it as well and there's nowhere I can run for cheap milk.  

That being said, I'm going to tell you a little bit about why my life is awesome right now.  

1) I went out to the lake yesterday.  Twice.  The first time I went with Julia, Stacey, Critter, and Sam and it was amazing, just what I needed to pull me through this week.  We laid out on the docks, built sand-castles, and most importantly, destroyed said sand-castles in the style of Godzilla, while catching it on tape.  We were all there for about an hour and a half, but then they all headed back so they could get ready for the show and such.  I didn't have to be back for another hour so I stayed out on the dock, sunbathing, swimming, and talking on the phone to Fune, who I miss dearly.  After a few more dips in the lake I headed back and did a show.  Afterwards Jenny and I headed back to the lake and we went skinny dipping, a first for both of us.  It wasn't really skinny dipping.  More like skinny jumping into the lake and getting out as fast as possible because it's a little creepy to be alone in the woods at night.  But it was wonderful nonetheless.  

2) I'm going to Jackson this weekend to see friends.  I know for a fact I have to go to Billy's Burger and Bubba's, but the rest of the places are a toss up.  I need to spend a week there just to eat all the food I want!  PLUS I get to see Becca and Emily!  I love those girls so so so much!  They inspire me so much and always seem to keep my head on straight.  

3) Last Sunday was the Walker 4th of July extravaganza and it was brilliant.  I rode on a dirt-bike and a 4-wheeler and played some intense games of horseshoes and croquet.  And yes, I realize the last part of the sentence makes me sound like I'm 75 with blue hair, but it really was quite fun.  Also, during part of that extravaganza Jenny and I had to run to I.F. to buy some stuff and we stopped to jump into Rigby lake and spent the rest of the night looking like washed out bohemians.  

As of right now I'm chilling at the cowhide place, attempting to sell dead animal skins.  And yes, it is as glamourous as it sounds.  It's free YNP weekend so all the tourists who are here aren't looking to spend any money on anything if they can help it, let alone drop $250 for a cowhide.  Oh well, it gives me time to blog.

So the entire cast at the theatre is attempting not to get sick.  Two night ago there was a family of about 40 who came to Secret Garden.  They're all sharing a cabin up in Island Park, but apparently the sharing a cabin idea isn't such a hot one, as about half the family has the flu.  That's right, the flu.  At least 4 kids puked at the show Thursday night, but I've heard as many as 8 actually vomited on our carpet.  It was ridiculous.  All the women are wearing these long flowing dresses and as we're running on and off-stage we're busy jumping over piles of puke.  It was not a happy time for us.  The best part was at least two of the kids who threw up stayed for the entire show.  And we had to shake hands with them afterwards.  *shudders*

That's pretty much all I have to say right about now.  I'll probably post Tuesday or Wednesday with tales of amazingness from Jackson!



1 comment:

Liz said...

I don't understand how both you and Jenny have gone soooo long in your lives without skinny-dipping! That doesn't jive in my're JILLIAN. And JENNY. That doesn't make sense.

Sometime, ask Walker about the Black Plague of 2006...that was a crappy crappy flu. It was a pandemic. The whole town of West was shut down.