Sunday, February 05, 2006


I think I'm breaking out
I'm gonna leave you now
There's nothing for me here, it's all the same
And even though I know
That everything might go
Go downhill from here,
I'm not afraid
Way away, away from here I'll be
Way away, away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe
You can't stop me now
You can't hold me down
You can't keep me here, I'm on my way
I made it this far now
And I'm not burning out
No matter what you say, I'm not afraid
Way away, away from here I'll be
Way away, away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe
Letting out the noise inside of me
Every window pane is shattering
Cutting off my words before I speak
Cutting off my words
This is how it feels to not believe
Letting out the noise inside of me
Every window pane is shattering
Cutting off my words before I speak
Cutting off my words
This is how it feels to not believe
Way away, away from here I'll be
Way away, away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe
So, I've come to the conclusion that my biggest fear might be change. I can't quite explain it. Most of my friends have the attitude that change happens and there's nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately, I'm too uptight to think that way. Well, at least some of the time. Some change I can take, happily. Like changing your hair. Little changes are okay, like changes in class schedules. Yeah, I miss talking to Raage before 4th and seeing Brandon during 2nd and talking to Jackie and Larissa during 1st, but I like walking with Meghan to 5th and seeing Brandon after fourth and meeting up with Larissa everynow and then to remember the good old days in 1st period Spanish. Those are the okay kind of changes. That's cool. But when the change comes like moving further away from friends or stuff like that...I hate that kind of change. The mere thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm probably overly-paranoid about all of it, and that paranoia might actually accelerate the change, therefore bringing about the sadness that comes whenever a change occurs. So it's pointless to worry about it, I should just let it happen, but I can't seem to. It's always there, like something just out of the corner of your eye. You can't focus on it or see it, but you know it's there.
And this is what goes on in my mind when I'm left alone for too long.
Anyway, life is pretty good right now. Except for one small blip on the radar, this week has gone pretty well. Not as good as last week though. Man, last week was amazing. I'm planning on making this week as good though.
So church today was very good. Despite the random tangents about Unicorns and Mermaids - though that imagine of a fish eating a person still makes me giggle - I got a lot out of the Sunday School lesson, and the lesson in Young Women's too. It's funny, because the things I'm most afraid of and the things I'm looking forward to the least are the things that we seem to talk about in church and Seminary. Well, maybe not that things I look forward to the least, but definitely the things I need the most.
I have the hardest time letting people know how grateful I am to them. I think I may attempt writing letters to certain people, but at the same time there's always a certain fear there that if I tell them how I feel about them they're going to be like "wow, this girl's creepy" and think I'm all stalker-esque and stuff, which would make friendships slightly awkward. Just slightly of course. So yeah, there's my dilemma. Anyway, for now I'll just say to all my friends that are reading this blog, thanks for being there despite my bi-polar moments and my close-mindedness and my inability to see things from your point of view. You guys are awesome and I don't know what I would do without you.


pev said...

Thanks Jill. You really ARE an amazing person, it just took me a while to see that. Stay cool.

Cate said...

hey jill dont worry... i used to be afraid of change too but then we moved to japan and yeah after that everything doesnt seem so bad lol
stay keul!
tell dh i lhl!

mollie baum said...

I am afraid of change too. I realized it when monica and clayton started dating: Someday, there will be men in both of our lives (husbands, i mean, ;-P) that will be closer to us than we will be to each other....does that make sense? well, its coming closer for her and i'm afraid that everyone will just go on and embrace change, and i will be left alone. Will you be with me? love you, Mollie

Just me said...

I'll probably be stuck there with you. That's the weird thing, if chnage came that would bring me closer to someone I'd probably be okay with it, but if the change pulls me apart from people...that's the one that really scares me. I don't want to think of moving further away from anyone. We should have a chocolate/pity part.

Liz said...

Oh change. Crazy crazy change. Life is change, highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something. Okay, so I TOTALLY just ripped that off of a movie I saw once. Sunday was good for so many roomates and I call those days "good church days." They rock. And so do you. I am SO not lucid right now.

pev said...

Special surprise for Jillian this weekend. Teehee!

isha said...

what?!?!? hheheheheh..I'm up for a chocloate pity party!!!!!! If I could spell chocolate. you Jill.......and I really mean it.
I give you a great BIG hug!