Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blast from the Past

I thought my blog could do with a small face-lift. My blog has been the same ever since my junior year of high school when I started it.

You know, I was just thinking about how far back this blog actually goes. If you were to read some of my very first entries you'd find a girl unsure with her life, loving but insecure with herself and her friends, questioning things and thinking out loud. My life and my mindset have changed so much in the last five years. My old friendships have changed, I new friends have come and gone, I'm in a town going to a school I never thought I'd attend, pursuing a career I thought I didn't want, working at a job that never had occurred to me and dating a person I couldn't have imagined. I had always thought if I made it to 21 and was unmarried I'd be on a mission!

But there are still so many similarities between myself then and now. I'm still questioning and I'm still finding myself in this crazy life I've built and had erected. I'm feverishly trying to keep my head above water as I navigate through an unfamiliar world of financial aid, internships, and bills.

In honor of this, I'd like to post a picture from different times. Times that may not have been simpler, just maybe a little more straightforward.


Liz said...

YAY! I miss these people. And you.

Beckah said...

Huzzah! Ah the infamous picture! You know, I kind of regret destroying all evidence of that picture. That would have been so great. At least we have documentation that it did exist. We just burned it.

I miss you so much! And I totally agree. I can barely read old journal entries and the beginning of my blog because all I can think is, "What? I thought that was important?" And I may be slightly embarrassed that I haven't changed that much. It's crazy.

Jessica Waite said...

what are you burning? And I love the curly hair. funny how life changes doesn't it!