Thursday, May 27, 2010

Check this hand, cuz I'm marvelous...

Remember that one time I was horrible about blogging?

Yeah...I do too.

But, in my defense, I was really, really good at it for a while. Unlike some people. Like Jennifer. I think it is fair to say I have infinitely better blogging habits.

You know you love me. :)

So much to update on! And yet, not really. I spent most of my time at work or with Stanley. Unfortunately, the two don't overlap anymore which makes me sad. He and I had many good times at work, judging fellow servers as well as the guests at our tables, rolling silverware in the back while singing Lady Gaga, being judged by Todd. *sigh* oh the memories.

However, we are doing pretty well making new memories outside of the good ol' Mac Shack. Since I last posted, he graduated from the U (he stood up to be honored no less than 15 times...not even joking...) while I entertained myself by playing hangman with his little sister and singing along with his mother while the band played show tunes.

The graduation itself was a little tedious, but it was really fun to see him get recognized for all the effort and hard work that he's put in the last 4 years. Plus hanging out with his family is always super fun, so that was a bonus.

We also went up to Logan the other day to go skeet shooting. Ohmigosh, so much fun. It reminded me of home and the good, wonderfully classy instituted activities we'd have going shooting on a Saturday morning. I must say, I did pretty well. Though that was mostly due to them going easy on me when they threw the skeets so I would out-shoot Stanley. Either way, I'm not complaining.

Anyhoo, after a long night of collecting album artwork, and filling out FAFSA forms, I'm feeling the need to sleep, despite the fact that I slept around 10 hours last night. Considering I spent half my day running around refilling waters, restocking bread, and singing Happy Birthday, I think that's okay though. Night all!




Mrs. Romriell said...

I love you...but did you just witness my blogging skills...four in the month of May ALONE!!! Watch out-world of the Romriell's ARE COMING AT YOU!

Stanley Langford Lloyd said...

Okay, so remember how I just read this for the first time today? Yeah, I do... You are so sweet and wonderful. Thanks for being the amazing person that you are! And also for having to listen to my mother sing...