Thursday, January 08, 2009

Unnecessary blog

Apparently I have 169 posts. Wow...not bad for, what? Three years of work?

There's really not much for me to say, except I love my roommates. Seriously, living with Mel and Danica is a blast. Not that we get to see each other all that much, but when we do it's awesome!

I went over to Jenn and Nick's last night. Before I headed over there I wasn't so sure I wanted to go, on account of it being dark, me driving alone and not feeling all that well. But I'd promised them I would go, so drive the 40 minutes I did. And it was a lot of fun, and I think I really needed it. Though I'm still feeling a little off-kilter today, which I'm trying to remedy by being uber productive. Which, by the way, only really works when you're in the proper state of mind. So while I'm trying to be uber productive I think I'm coming off as being only mildly productive.

I've been thinking a lot about dating and stuff like that lately, probably on account of having a friend or two that's obsessed with it. I don't know, it's weird. In my life I've always had the mindset that you go about life, living it like you need it to be lived, and you find someone and it'll work out. It's weird to be around people who are actually pursuing relationships. I don't know if I like it. I'll have to think on that some more.

Anyway, I should probably get off as this isn't helping in my "being productive" plan. I need to go print off a headshot and fill out some information. Love to all!



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