Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Long time no type!

Wow, so I haven't written on this for a very long time. Though, the reason why I'm typing is pretty selfish. I'm watching T.V. and I'm making comments to myself that I think are pretty funny, but no one else is here to appreciate me. So I'm going to talk to myself.

My life is so freaking boring right now. Sheriously. All I do is wake up, go to work, come home, run, veg, go to rehearsal. Okay, so that's not really all. I also go to a different job which mixes up my schedule a little. And sometimes I have dance rehearsals at different times. But pretty much it's work and rehearsals. Which gets really boring. I'm deprived of any intellectual simulation and it's horrible. I miss it so much! I mean, yeah, i have to alphabatize and everything but that's not really all that stimulationg, okay? I miss debating religion and politics. I miss breaking down languages to have them make more sense. I miss pondering on deep, philisophical subjects and stumbling on life-changing ideas. It just doesn't happen anymore. i am glad that I'm making money though. It's pretty important for that whole "paying for college" thing. Then I'll completley have my fill of eerything thought-provoking and philosphical. I guess I just have to keep focused on that. Oh well

1 comment:

Liz said...

When I worked at Wal-mart, everyone on the inventory/warehouse team that I was on carried around pens and little spiral notebooks. That way we could keep track of SKU's and merchandise and whatever. But mine was probably a third that and the other two thirds were poems, random thoughts, weird sketches and diagrams and theories, ideas to discuss with a friend later. I tried not to get distracted from actually working too much, but when I got desperate, it was a good way to keep myself sane. And it was really fun to look through my pile of notebooks at the end of the summer.

PS I miss you. Come visit me. Or call me if ever you would like to have an interesting intellectual conversation! (Although those are kind of hard to plan...)