Sunday, November 05, 2006

Semi-personal confessions...

Sorry her lot who loves too well,
Heavy the heart that hopes but vainly.
Sad are the sighs that own the spell,
Sad are the eyes that speak too plainly
Sorry her lot who loves too well
Heavy the heart that hopes but vainly.
Heavy the sorrow that bows the head
When love is alive and hope is dead.
When love is alive and hope is dead.

Turn ons: Good smelling guys, chocolate, long talks about good things, guys who are actually good and chaste and don't just pretend to be, hugs from little children, the setting sun reflecting reds and golds off of clouds, breaking into dancing, being yourself and feeling completely comfortable, girls nights with good music and pulsing beats, getting a truly caring hug from a member of an opposites sex, dog piles with friends, pranking, getting compliments from someone who really means it especially from that one special person, knitting, being with friends that listen to you and don't think you're weird when you do random things, falling asleep on someone's chest and feeling them breath and hearing their heartbeat, how clean you feel when you just get out of the shower, going to church, Heavenly Father, being able to pray and knowing he won't be annoyed by your neediness.

Turn offs: Lying, dishonesty, people who say they'll do something then don't, being depressed, second-guessing myself, uncertainty, feeling jealous, wet socks, having people angry at me, being ditched, feeling ugly, waking up when it's dark, getting wet when my hair's straightened, the nagging sensation that I'm never thought of, being alone, wanting to call someone and being afraid to do it, being tempted, becoming lackadasical about anything, regretting my actions, people that smell like onion or B.O. or anything nasty, feeling unmotivated, having cold toes, feeling helpless, being anxious, feeling like I like someone more than they like me, self-righteous people, arrogance, realizing that I have more weaknesses that I can ever fix by myself, being dependant on others, sweat.

There you go. Some semi-personal confessions that you may or may not be understandable and surprising.



1 comment:

mollie baum said...

OH pill pill pill. I love you. don't let those horrible, lonely, dark thoughts dwell in your mind. God didn't put them there. He tells us to dwell only on things that are pure and true. I think that you me and Jeff need to get together and just spend time talking like we used to. just sitting around and laughing and getting deep and making new and wonderful quotes for our blogs. I think that last year was such a wonderful year that it couldn't be topped. not even by our freshman year in college. no way man. it was too good. anyways i love you and worry about you sometimes. don't be sad. BE YOUR HAPPY LITTLE FILLIAN SELF!!! i love you!
-ms. pants