Monday, June 05, 2006

You're such a funny, punny, hunny bunny!

What's there to say about the past few days? They've been so emotionally draining, but fun and...interesting? That seems like as good a word as any.

I turned in my Bio paper! Woohoo! Darcy got a blog. We learned that Mollie has a hard time counting syllables. I ate tomatoes in a wrap without gagging. I've turned in several job applications, but continue to look for more. I went to the Singles Branch.

Ooh, here's one that takes the cake. I spent six hours in a car with Jeff. That was really fun actually. It was sort of weird at first, like we were aclimatizing to each other ("so is this going to be a long three hours?") but it ended up being really fun. We got to see Beckah off on her flight. Luckily. We seriously thought we had missed here there for a second. I'm just glad that we didn't go with my plan and leave at 1.

And sorry about ditching out really fast on the Barbeque guys. I just wasn't feeling...I don't know. I just couldn't stay there for some reason. I just didn't feel like being social. I know it was selfish, but I knew if I stayed there I would...cry? Probably not. I'm not a big crier. I don't know. I just knew I had to leave. I thought about coming back later, around 8 or so, but I realized I kind of wanted to be alone. Which didn't end up working out, but what ended up happening was really good too. I just feel like a horrible person because I barely even talked to Mollie on her 18th birthday when she was having a hard time. I feel like a complete spoon. I tried texting her that night, wishing her a happy birthday and telling her I loved her, but it didn't go through, which made me slightly preturbed.

What else can I say? This weekend seems to have been a good time for good talks. Mollie and Jeff apparently had one Thursday night. Jeff and I were in a car for 6 hours, so some good things were said then (or possibly yelled...we had the windows rolled down and the music up, so it was a bit overpowering). Saturday night I talked with Raage for about an hour, and then last night we walked aimlessly around town for 2 hours or so.

I always find it funny when you come back from an experience like that and your parents ask what you talked about. You respond with "stuff" because you can't remember all of it, or most of it really. Some of it you remember, but that stuff tends to be the "keep within the parties involved" type things. And you usually talk about so many things in that hour or two that just telling your parents one or two wouldn't cover nearly anything.

Parents are funny like that.

I'm really grateful that I have these people in my life that I'm able to talk to. Like Darcy, for instance. That one time we ran to WalMart after the recital and we talked about college and stuff. That was short, but it was really good. I really hope we do something as a group on Wednesday.

On a happier note, Jennifer gets home on Thursday! I'm really excited. I actually didn't realize how excited I was about it until church on Sunday, when I realized that she would be there with me. We're heading down on Wendesday, eating dinner with Jamie and Justin, spending the night, and picking her up sometime around 10 in the morning. We should have her back home around 6 or 7 that evening. It's going to be interesting.

As a sidenote, I found this gorgeous pictures of a sunrise/set thingy over a lake, and it was called "Rays of Hope" and I tried posting it, but my dad's computer is being retarded. So, sorry.

Anyway, I love you all!




Darcy said...

I love you! Ya know that talk really was nice! YOu make me happy. K wait false advertising? Sushi, DOlge well it's all the same isn't it! I agree that we should hang out on Wednesday night! I undersand about the BarBQ I've felt that way before! are forgiven I did miss you though! I hope you have a brilliant night! Love ya


Beckah said...

Darcy got a blog! Huzzah! And I know what you mean. Some of the best conversations I've had in my life I don't remember what we talked about. But say hi to Jennifer for me!

mollie baum said...

Ya for darcy's blog!! um ya life is weird. agreed. Jillian don't worry i know you love me. lol, even if you did leave on my birthday. thats ok. i'm just laying on the guilt. you feel it? lol, love ya woman!

Just me said...

must breathe...guilt...smothering--