Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sweet dreams are made of these!

Okay, so this dream wasn't necessarily sweet, but it was really weird so I figured I'd tell everyone about it. If Jumper will let me because right now she's sitting on my lap kind of obstructing my typing. Okay, there, she's gone.

Anyway, it started out - as far as I remember - with me, Maegan, and I think Isha sitting at a table in the Schwartz watching a poker movie that my dad decided to add to Deadwood Dick. I was complaining that it was boring and that he shouldn't put it all in when Dan and Steven Conklin - who was dressed in swimming trunks and a life vest of the bright orange variety - walk in and say they're coming to visit us. Well, we talk for a little bit, Dan's mom - who brought them - says goodbye and starts talking to my parents so we run out one of the back doors, only to find that the lake on campus was experiancing high tide. I barely get away with my costume not getting wet but Maegan and Isha don't care and they go off swimming with the boys. I'm fuming slightly that they don't care about protocol or costumes enough to mind that water and satin aren't a good mix. So I suppose I change out of my costume into street clothes and I walk over to Dan's house, which is now two houses down from the college. I'm sitting in his room, wondering why he has so many hats (there were like twenty hats there) when I see them on the roof of the college building, apparenlty finished with their swim. So I run over to them, jump over a fire hydrant, float for a little while, think it's cool, so I do it again, this time showing all of them my amazing levitating skills. Anyway, apparenlty now we're in Italy, because as we're walking down the street these guys are yelling at us in Italian, and I get distracted, knocking something over. I didn't know what it was, but it had to be something important because this guy starts running at us so we all start running in different directions, except for me, I'm frozen because I'm a dork. I then follow Dan who ran up this winding stone stairway and see a sign that says "cathedral closed". I look for Dan, see that he's standing reverantly with his head down on one side of a pew and motion for him to leave, as the cathedral's closed but he says no. I go up the last stairs to talk to him, realize that there are people coming behind me carrying - get this - a casket. I then try and act like I'm supposed to be there, like I'm a guest at this funeral. And it might have worked, but Isha and Maegan come running up the stairs yelling for us so the Italians soon realized that we weren't supposed to be there. So they start yelling at us and chasing us out - and then I woke up.




isha said... this a dream that is frustrated at your lack of a boy toy? hehehe..just kidding jill. that is really rather funny. sounds like it was interesting. I had all these really funny mental pictures in my head as I was reading this..
see ya in a few!

isha said...

who was that directed towards?
fine then..
your MOM's weird Daniel Harris
but it's true..we love you for your weirdness jillina, and for many other things besides.

Just me said...

HEY! Only my grandpa's and your uncle can call me Julian!

Beckah said...

Wow. I have had lots of weird dreams before, and I think you totally topped them all. I mean, wasn't it you that dreamed about the midget mafia attacking Maegan? I mean, wow. What the heck do you smoke before you go to bed? (J/K. But always write your dreams down. You get good story ideas that way.)

Just me said...

i know! i was hoping i could somehow integrate this into the story I'm planning writing...but i think i may have to make it a fantasy with all the weird things going on, especially if I want to include the midget mafia.
Actually, I don't know what I'm smoking. Maybe if I eat cereal or chocolate before I go to bed. I might just keep a nightime snack journal and see what's causing it!