Sunday, May 24, 2009

I wonder, sometimes, about the outcome of this still verdict-less life

So, I slept in today until 12.  It was beautiful.  Apparently some people came in and tried to wake me up for church but I was completely clueless.  Here's the deal, we did our first double shows yesterday, one at 6 and one at 8:30.  We had 15 minutes between shows to empty the theatre, reset ALL of our presets (of which I have like, 6) change costumes, reset the set, then fill the theatre again.  It was CRAZY/exhausting.  I was so tired by the time we finished I just came home and crashed on the lovesac around 1.  Mattie June and Seth woke me up around 2 and I moved into my bed, still wearing my full-stage make up and passed out until 7 or so, when Julia woke me up.  I hopped in the shower, fully planning on sleeping for another hour when I was finished showering then getting up, and going to church.  However, I started my period and after that, my body was SO exhausted that hour turned into five.  

Also, my voice is soooo tired from belting straight for the past 3 weeks, I put myself on vocal rest today, so I've not been talking hardly at all.  Right now I just took some cold medicine so I can go to bed at a decent time to start rehearsing Guys and Dolls tomorrow.  Plus, I'm still congested and I try not to take decongestant unless I truly need to so I can avoid drying out while I'm singing.  

But the cold medicine kicked in a few seconds I think I'm going to go to bed...cuz I need to...