Saturday, November 26, 2005

Beware the lollipop of the opposite gender, it may be tempting, but once you try it you'll suck forever

hello everyone! I hope everybody had a super-happy turkey day. Mine was good. Hanging out with the Waite's in Pilot Rock. Bet most of you don't even know where that is, but that's okay, because I do.

So I'm happy right now because IT'S SNOWING! WOOHOO!!

So I read the Davinci Code this weekend, and if I tried I could probably finish Tale of Two Cities and I've read some hundred and fifty pages in The Three Musketeers and started Treasure Island. I bet you can tell what I've done with my weekend, huh?

So Harry Potter was a blast. Not only was it good, but I haven't been to the movies FOREVER either, so it was sweet. I think we should get a group together and watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when it comes out. Whether or not we do, I'm going to be there.

I listened to the game today. It was slightly depressing. If we had just completely lost it would have been better, but it was painful! If only the game had kept going the same way it was before halftime! *tear* Oh well, it's very saddening, but bastketball season begins pretty soon - a week and a half I think - so it's okay. Gah, now that I'm thinking about it, I may have to go grab some more chocolate. I had my mom buy me some after the game finished. I feel bad for the boys though, too. Not only did they lose, but now they have to travel back an unheavenly amount of hours on a bus, going through Cabbage and Meacham, which has to suck, seeing how it snowed here.

I think that's all I have to say. I'm going to go finish making my Spice Cake with Cream Cheese frosting and try and make some headway on Tale of Two Cities. Has anyone besides me read Dickens? If you haven't, you should, but do it when you have a lot of time and are able to concentrate, because if you do it when you've got other important things to do you're just going to get angry. This man...I swear he got paid by the page. You'd think Duncan would hate him, he adds so much superfluous information to his stories! Seriously, do I need to read a page and a half on how the guy identified as "the tall man" sleeps? No, I don't. *sigh* I wonder if "A Christmas Carol" is any better. I hope so.



Monday, November 21, 2005

The cripple boys...we should start a band!

So the football game kicked total trash. Haaaaaaaaaaaa...thinking about it still gives me an adrenaline rush. Again, I know I've said it like, fifty thousand times, but if I was this excited about the game I can't even begin to imagine what the players feel like. Holy Crap! Though I did about wet my pants there for a second when it looked like we were going to lose. That was not cool.

But Fall Ball was awesome too. It was really fun to go with Raage and everyone else in the group. Except for the whole my mom calling his mom and the flashing lights thing. *rolls eyes* mom sometimes...but honestly, it was so much fun. I learned I was a horrific liar, but that I'm really good at telling half truths, I can line dance in GIGANTIC heels, and that talking in a really loud room means you have to either talk right in their ear or be a few inches away from them. That, and don't sit down if you're really tired. You'll never get up.

Anyway, everyone else is gone on a choir thing. I managed to skip out on it, my mom wanted me to stay home. But today was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. I went out to lunch with Dan and Raage - though I felt bad that we forgot about Jared, but it ended up being fun anyway. I basically tortured Raage all day (HA! It's so much fun to turn the tables on him!) But unfortunately when we got the A.P. Comp assignment I was talking to him so I didn't hear what it was. Which means that I'm up a creek without a paddle. Actually it just means I have to call Raage and see if he heard it and if he didn't...yeah, no one else that I have a phone number for was there. See, that would suck.

I'll probably have to call Dan too, because I'm totally not getting Bio. All of a sudden Mr. Wright decided to tell us that Chapter 10 is due. Which sucks for me, since I hadn't started it until an hour ago. And I have to finish the lab write-up. Which shouldn't be too hard, I can probably get away with doing it in Spanish and just copying Raage's work, even though he hates it. I'll just have to remember to be nice to him tomorrow. That's almost as fun as being mean to him. :-D

Anyhoo, I hope you all had an awesome time on the choir thing. Oh, if you were wondering, during choir we went and chilled in the library, and I got into a tape fight with Dan and the new guy. That was basically it. Oh, and if you're in A.P. Comp, you missed the BEST class today...I about made Mr. Duncan cry, he actually had to leave the room because he was laughing so hard. And I got a 17 out of 20 on the vocab test so I might try it again tomorrow. But as for now I'm stuck writing a paper for Non-Fiction. *Sigh* SO MUCH HOMEWORK!



Saturday, November 19, 2005

I've come to the realization that football jersey's weren't made for girls who have hips...

So yeah, here I am, sitting in my computer chair wearing Raage's jersey and laughing at myself. You know, guys wear pads, you figure it wouldn't be that hard to fit into a guys jersey. And for the most part, it's not. Except for the hips. I've always known guys didn't have hips (except for Jeff, maybe, I've seen those suckers, they're pretty big) but I don't think I realized till now what that meant exactly. It meant that they can wear shirts that are cut straight, which football jersey's are. So I looked at myself in the mirror wearing the jersey and laughed. The chest area's fine, thanks to the help of a sports bra and the fact that guys wear pads up here. The waist is even good. But the hips? Holy crap...

That's my uninteresting rant for the time. I can't think of anything more creative to say, so I'm going to sign off.



Saturday, November 12, 2005

Estoy muy cansada, pero amame mi amor!

Okay, this is the best we got of him. If you can see the expression on his face there's a very simple explanation. I'm wearing roller-skates and am about to fall on him. Seriously. This happened, like, five times that night. I fell on EVERYONE. Though technically I only fell twice, but only once on the roller-skates. Either way, Raage won the bet. (This whole paragraph was added later, with the picture. Just fyi :D)

You know, that sentence is probably so incredibly wrong grammatically, but since Raage's not going to read this to correct me, I'll leave it as it is.

I'm listening to Juanes "Mi Sangre" right now, and it's really cool. Like, I'm freakishly obsessed with it and I probably will be for another week.

Anyway, referring back to my title, I am so fetchin tired. I wonder what I'll dream about tonight (ha, the song I'm listening to is called sueno. Awesome...) Last night I dreamt I was at a football game with Raage and he was talking in Spanish some of the time and we were listening to my Spanish CD, and then (something I just remembered that I'll have to tell him about later) we were going to fly somewhere, like, we were trying to buy airline tickets and we were in an airport.

And all this comes from working on our spanish skit on traveling while listening to the spanish CD before I went to bed. But I can honestly say I wasn't thinking about it before I went to bed, and I went to bed three and a half hours after he left, so I'm not quite sure how that happened.

We're supposed to sing in 1st ward tomorrow. I'm kind of looking forward to it because we haven't been able to sing a lot lately, since the last time we were going to do it I got a little side-tracked.

So, has anything interesting happened the past two days? Not much, except getting high off of garage smells or paint...or me and Beckah just being weird. I swear I've spent more time at the Whittakers the past two days than I have at my own house. But I must admit that the dance looked really cool, and it seemed like people had a fun time. I would've had a fun time too, except for the whole "dead man walking" syndrome I was suffering from. I was faking energy until halfway through, and then I just stopped. I had no more motivation. I even took off my skates again. Course, that was actually because my feet were hurting, but hey, it works.

Now I'm just waiting for my dad to come home so we can finalize the disk with the pictures from the dance so I can show Maegan the picture of Raage that I think my mom might've taken. She took some awesome ones of me and Andrea, a.k.a, the hot girl from Baker too. The two of us were dressed almost identically. I'll probably re-post this tomorrow with the picture on top.

Alright, I'm going to go and maybe get some food, even though I feel sort of sick to my stomach.



Thursday, November 10, 2005

Washington is Hollywood for ugly people

Dude, it's been FOREVER since I've written! Holy crap! It's been like, two weeks! And what a full and fun two weeks they have been. The football game (both of them), Honor Choir, working on the Macbeth skit, Stake Conference, getting ready for the dance, and getting ready for the OTHER dance - namely Fall Ball, plus homework and stuff like that, but the last part wasn't all that fun.

Ha, I'm listening to Alter Boyz right now, and it's so awesome. It's about a Christian/Catholic boy band...the guys in it are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan (he's spanish), and Abraham...who's a Jew. It makes me happy.

I'm really tired. I could write a lot more here - obviously as two weeks have gone by there' s a lot going on, but I don't have the energy to write it, or the time...besides, I think it would be really boring and INCREDIBLY long. So I think I'll just end it like this and start blogging regulary again...maybe.

